Can't change device's room

I’ve got an Aotec Micro Switch running OK in a certain room. I want to change the designated room to something more meaningful, but it won’t go ???. I tried changing it on the web UI (UI5), but it reverts back to the original room on save & restart. I tried changing it under advanced settings, but the result was the same.

Has anyone got any ideas?

This was one of the first devices I set up - Room 1 and Device #8, but I can’t see that its relevant. Other devices have moved OK. I’ve also moved other Aotec Micro Switches.

I had the same issues with the same device, albeit in UI7. Refresh the page (F5) and/or clear your cache. Seems that it can get a bit hung up on losing the old location. Worked on my 3rd try!


[quote=“Automaton13, post:1, topic:190092”]I’ve got an Aotec Micro Switch running OK in a certain room. I want to change the designated room to something more meaningful, but it won’t go ???. I tried changing it on the web UI (UI5), but it reverts back to the original room on save & restart. I tried changing it under advanced settings, but the result was the same.

Has anyone got any ideas?

This was one of the first devices I set up - Room 1 and Device #8, but I can’t see that its relevant. Other devices have moved OK. I’ve also moved other Aotec Micro Switches.[/quote]

Remove the scene
Remove the device
Reinstall the device with the new name
Reinstall the scene


Thanks guys. I’ll give it a go.