Cannot read delay after Sunset in Scene Editor

I am running version 1.7.2414 on a VeraPlus.

I recently wanted to create some more complex lighting scenes and went to check the “after sunset” delay of a current scene. When I went into the scene editor / trigger editor, the trigger setting only indicated “sunset” Not “after sunset / 30 minutes” as it should. Also he next run time in the scene lists shows a 30 minute delay after sunset.

The report (http://8.18.165:3480/data_request?id=user_data&output_format=xml) shows:

<timer id=“1” type=“2” days_of_week=“1,2,3,4,5,6,7” time=" 0:30:0T" enabled=“1” last_run=“1484345686” next_run=“1484432154”/>

I’m assuming this means 30 minutes after sunset.

I’m not too worried unless it is an indication of other problems.

Has anyone else noticed this editor behavior?