I just received a notification from Vera that a light was on (again). The lights have been sporadically turning on and leaving themselves on for a few weeks (see previous posts) at my unoccupied vacation house.
However, tonight I am unable to log into findvera.com to turn the lights off.
Message: “The requested URL /remote 1.0.604/ was not found on this server.”
Apparently, during your server upgrade you have removed the .604 firmware, prohibiting me from accessing my box.
I have a special version of firmware that fixed my motion sensors. Pls advise asap so I can not have all my lights on all night.
I tried calling MiCasaVerde, emailing and using the Support form.
Yes, Remote Access is on. Yes, there is internet access as I can see my camera perfectly via the Panasonic software. arrrrrrgh.
Denix: “That’s what you get”? Charming. Not sure what engendered that response…
At any rate, the “custom” firmware was released to me by MC to fix the issue with motion detectors not configuring (much discussed on this forum). It seems the .602 version included a wake class that was not backward compatible - rendering all of my motion detectors non-usable and non-configurable.
Recently, when they upgraded their servers, they didn’t include the .604 release, so access via FindVera.com resulted in a file not found. They added .604, and I was able to access again.
I am waiting for the next release which, hopefully, addresses my lights being turned on and left on periodically.
And what response would you expect, when posting in a public forum with hundreds of users, majority of whom has no idea what .604 firmware is and cannot help you in any way?
If the same would have happened with an official release, the chances of getting it fixed much sooner would be much higher.
I told you - sorry, keep trying to reach MCV. Do you think if they don’t pick up the phone, don’t reply to emails and IMs, they would be reached faster on the forum? Your best bet was to keep pinging them. And that’s what I meant.
people post in forums because it is likely that another person may have the same experience. That person may have a work around. Ya think!
And possibly it will get the attention of the admin and get it fixed.
True, didn’t mean to attack the fact of posting. But at the same time, there was nothing offensive or personal in the phrase “that’s what you get”, meaning it cannot be expected 100% stability, reliability and support from an unreleased (i.e. beta) firmware. Being direct on the Net does NOT mean being offensive - read Netiquete.
And what response would you expect, when posting in a public forum with hundreds of users, majority of whom has no idea what .604 firmware is and cannot help you in any way?
If the same would have happened with an official release, the chances of getting it fixed much sooner would be much higher.
I told you - sorry, keep trying to reach MCV. Do you think if they don’t pick up the phone, don’t reply to emails and IMs, they would be reached faster on the forum? Your best bet was to keep pinging them. And that’s what I meant.[/quote]
Please be aware that this unreleased, beta firmware .604 is of high interest for everybody living in Europe because it fixes a bug in a widely spread European motion sensor…
and isn’t it exactly the reason to read, to share informations which are not for the ‘normal’ endusers…
In all honesty this Zwave stuff has had growing pains.
I don’t think that is should be this way because we all just don’t have the time or knowledge to play around.
MCV has done the best job so far for the most people. Look at similar attempts in the market Hawking and now Schlage. Hawking never fixed the old version and now took away the basic service. Now there is schlage that originally claimed support for thermostats and sensors.
All in All MCV is doing better, they need to keep plugging along
Let the momentum continue!