Can someone explain wifi on the VeraPlus?

Question #1:
When I got my VeraPlus, I tried to connect to it via WiFi, as wired ports are at a premium in my house (I need a new switch, I know). I would set up the Vera and then connect to WiFi. At that point, the IP address would change and I was no longer able to connect via wifi or ethernet. I would need to reset the entire router to reconnect via ethernet. Why does this happen?

What is the purpose of the wifi router built into the VeraPlus? Is it just to have another wifi to connect marthome devices to? It doesn’t seem to have enough features to be considered a home’s main wifi router.

Question #3:
What is automatic device detection and what kinds of devices does it detect?

  1. The Vera has to be wired to your router. Go buy a switch.

  2. The Vera can work as an additional access point or router. It cannot be the primary router for your network. I set my Veras a long way from my primary router, and use them as access points. If you have the Vera right next to your router, best to turn off the Vera wifi to reduce interference.

  3. I don’t know.

[quote=“krementz, post:2, topic:200258”]1) The Vera has to be wired to your router. Go buy a switch.

  1. The Vera can work as an additional access point or router. It cannot be the primary router for your network. I set my Veras a long way from my primary router, and use them as access points. If you have the Vera right next to your router, best to turn off the Vera wifi to reduce interference.

  2. I don’t know.[/quote]

I wouldn’t use Vera even as an access point and have Wi-Fi disabled on both my Veras. It’s underpowered for the task, and you don’t want to be compromising its HA performance by burdening it with additional tasks. This is a YMMV situation, so in some cases this might work out OK.

#3: This is whether you want Vera to automatically find UPnP devices on your LAN, e.g. a media server, TV, media player, computer, NAS or other device that supports UPnP protocols. It has nothing to do with Z-Wave or Zigbee devices. If you search the forum you’ll find a variety of opinions on this feature. Many people turn it OFF as it can result in all sorts of odd and difficult to troubleshoot problems, including lots of Vera crashes/LUUP restarts.

This. So much this. Actually, be really alert any time you do a firmware upgrade, as well. The last few firmware upgrades, many of us have experienced the Wi-Fi being spontaneously turned on when it was off before, and broadcasting an open (no password) network, meaning all the neighbors and script kiddies within range can get on to your cool free Wi-Fi, with access not just to free Internet, but everything on the inside of your firewall as well. Sweet.

This. So much this. Actually, be really alert any time you do a firmware upgrade, as well. The last few firmware upgrades, many of us have experienced the Wi-Fi being spontaneously turned on when it was off before, and broadcasting an open (no password) network, meaning all the neighbors and script kiddies within range can get on to your cool free Wi-Fi, with access not just to free Internet, but everything on the inside of your firewall as well. Sweet.[/quote]
I have somehow managed to avoid the dreaded “upgrade and have Wi-Fi mysteriously turned back on” problem for the last few upgrades, but I’ve certainly had the problem in the past and as @rigpapa points out, many folks still have it and the consequences can be dire. When the new owners look at next-generation hardware, I’d be happy if they left Wi-Fi out altogether. I want my HA controller connected to my LAN with a solid wireline connection!

How does one turn off the wifi?

Which unit (Vera Edge, Plus, etc.) do you have? What firmware version are you running?

For a Vera Plus running 1.7.4001:
Look under Settings–>Net & Wi-Fi and select Manually Configure. You should now see additional settings. Scroll to the bottom and under Wireless–> WiFi on select the NO radio button, then hit the Save and Apply button at the bottom of the page. Sometimes a reboot is required. The WiFi LED may still be on (this is a bug that has been around forever). Use a PC or mobile device to check that Vera’s WiFi is off.

You can also insert the following in your LUA startup code:

os.execute("wifi down")

There was several releases of Vera (Vera 6) that lacked a Wifi “off” button. On my Vera3 that was running Vera 6 software, I could see the Wifi come up briefly when the Vera rebooted, then disappear again (with the statement inserted).

Hi All,
maybe some answers are here:,85516.msg390092.html#msg390092

in very short… VeraPlus is not a proper router… maybe we can say an access point… but in very short my personal thinking the WIFI, until the fix/improve few things (MAC Filtering, etc…) … better to use the WIFI of the router that practically you need it anyway…

Also the other protocols… ZigBee, bluetooth…etc… very limited compatibility, feel free to check
and about Firmware upgrades/fixes or UI7 upgrades/fixes… too slow… 1 year more and google home/etc. will be cheaper and better…

… mm… knowing, after almost 1 year that i have veraPlus…

I think VERA EDGE would a been a better purchase! 100 $ saved for something else…


My Vera runs via a wifi connection. It’s easier to move the unit to a location where it is central to the zwave devices than have it next to the router and further away from the zwave devices.
To connect it to wifi, i started with it at the switch, with both wifi and wired lan connected. When it was connected to wifi correctly, I unplugged the lan cable and moved it to the best location.
Worked fine after that.

I have not been able to configure the VeraPlus via Internet thru Wireless. Every time y select the “Through a Wi-Fi access point”, enter the Passcode and select “Pick” the unit disconnect from Internet, and I have to reset the machine and reconnect the Wired Cable to have access to the machine.

Vera should really solve this bug, because is annoying to run a cable to be within the 1meter distance to enroll all the Z-Wave devices in my home.