Can an BT Beacon be made?

Has anyone seen these:

I am still learning about arduino, but the BT beacon idea seems ideal and this is a cheap option. I am not even sure if this is possible.

Hi Wayne,
I posted similar about ibeacon in this thread:,22644.msg152025.html#msg152025

Seems you can already create ibeacons - but how are you thinking of using them?

My dream is to have an ibeacon on each human in my house ( wristband style) and receiver in each room, reporting back “who’s in the room” to Vera ( via Hek’s arduinos! )

Its kind of inverted use of ibeacons whereas the human has the beacon and the location has the receiver( which generates the actions)
My kids dont have phones ( just ipods) and cant see them always carrying them around the house but they could be made to wear a wristband… wife…perhaps not unless its embedded in gold!

I am looking to use them to detect people home. Not really looking to get it narrowed down to which room though. We always have our phones on us so I would use those to detect.

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iViri is currently developing a release that supports ibeacons. The idea would be the ability to trigger devices when they come in contact with the iViri app running on a iOS device. Thinking of a way to have lights and doors react to your presence in the room and the same goes for thermostats. iViri which has geofencing abilities with the virtual switch should be available this week or next in the apple store and also voice control over Vera devices. You could use it’s geofencing with the virtual switch to tell who is home and who is away.

Fun idea.

A passive thing mounted on the family would be the best. :slight_smile:
I’m leaning towards some RFID solution as bluetooth signals can reach our whole house.