Can A Fibaro 2x1.5kw relay switch two devices independently

Can any advise is and how a Fibaro 2x1.5kw relay could switch two devises on independently of each other, or do they both have to come on at the same time? Sorry for my ignorance but im not very good at this sort of thing. How would you go about setting it up from the Vera control unit to show it as two separate devices or have I got this all wrong?

Hello col8eral

I have this switch in use for both light AND ventilator in my bathroom
I conform they work indeipendently, the ventilator is controller by PLEG AND showen water temperature while the licht comes on during my To Bed Sene


Thank you. How do I see and use each of the channels as a separate device in the VeraLite dashboard?

You will have/see the two switches on your dashboard asa the Fibaro is installed.

Thank you so much. Really appreciated.