Can a condition be a trigger

Can a condition be a trigger or am I thinking about this wrong? I have a humidity sensor in the bathroom and I want to compare its reading to a humidity sensor in my HVAC so that when the bathroom humidity is (HVAC humidity + X%) I can turn on the exhaust fan in the bathroom until the bathroom humidity is normalized.

When I try to create a trigger, I see the humidity sensor reading but no where to compare it to the HVAC reading. And when I try to create a condition, there is no way to compare humidity sensor reading to HVAC either…

Thanks for any input

What is throwing me off is that when I create a trigger as the Bathroom Humidity sensor, the only options I see are “Humidity goes above”,“Humidity goes below”, or “Battery level goes below”. The problem is that the “normal humidity” can vary greatly depending on the time of year so I really need to compare the Bathroom Humidity level to the HVAC humidity level and perform an action based on the results.

I would bring in the raw humidity readings in as a device property, not a trigger. Then in the conditions, you compare the two properties…

Thank you - that is exactly the step I was missing. I’ll bring in the device property of the bathroom sensor and the HVAC sensors and then compare them in the condition.


You can also use a condition to turn on the fan in case someone forgets to turn it on while showering.