Cameras and cpu

I’m currently running some cameras on a blueiris system. The processor of my system is quiet heavily loaded (60%).
When adding cameras to your vera system…isn’t this hard for the vera controller? Any experiences on this?


Oh yeah. BI is pretty tough on the CPU of the system it runs on. You can reduce the load by eg lowering the FPS rate. I brought mine down to 10FPS from 25FPS to get the load to the low 60’s rather than high 80’s.

I’m not noticing an overly heavy load on Vera for the 10 camera’s I have connected. I’ve heard of people who’ve removed them as they did have issues though.

thanks for the tip. By reducing the frame rate, I’m now in the low 30’s :slight_smile: !!!
It would be nice if there was a sort of guide to optimize your system. Have been looking around here, but cannot find something like that.

PS: on what system are you running with your ten cameras? i5 ? i7?


At this time, it runs on a AMD quad core Phenom 9500 box with 4GB and WHS2011. Which also runs Serviio. I’m intending to migrate to a Lenovo TS140 with an Xeon CPU and 12GB to lessen the load on the CPU. I’m having some issues getting that TS140 to take WHS2011 which is delaying the migration and BI upgrade to 4.0.

7 or my 10 cams are 640x480. The remaining 3 are 720p

[quote=“Django, post:1, topic:187081”]I’m currently running some cameras on a blueiris system. The processor of my system is quiet heavily loaded (60%).
When adding cameras to your vera system…isn’t this hard for the vera controller? Any experiences on this?


I’m one of those that has removed my cameras from VERA as there is no need for them to be their anways with the app I use for VERA.

Also Writing the cameras “direct to disc” will also cut the CPU load big time. Google the advantages and disadvantages of direct to disc.