Byron SX Chime / Doorbell


After reading about the Byron SX protocol being added to the RFX , I went ahead and purchased one.
The doorbell shows up when pressed on the RFXMGR and I can also make the chime ring from the RFXMGR. But I cannot seem to add it to my Veralite.

Do you have any ideas? Which protocol should I use when adding a device.

This doorbell looks like it could solve the problem of a doorbell device for vera…


If it is a new protocol supported by the RFXtrx, unfortunately I can confirm that my plugin does not support it.

More generally, regarding supported doorbells, my plugin does not create any device but trigger an event when the doorbell chimes.

hi thanks for taking the time to respond, I am disappointed that the item does not work with your plug in, which I use regularly and find to be excellent, but I appreciate you cannot support everything.

I appreciate the plugin does not create a device. But surely if your product can take a signal from a battery operated switch it will be a great help to loads of people for a load of different applications?


Just in case someone finds the information useful I use a Nexa LML-710 doorbell with my RFXtrx433. The wireless bush button is also sold separately and is quite cheap so I have 2 of them and I?m able to tell which door someone is at.
I get a notification if someone is at a door when we are not home.

I have not tried to make the doorbell sound from Vera yet but I guess that is possible also, I can find out if someone needs to know.


Hey korttoma, I’m interested in how you got the NEXA push button to work for you with Vera (lite)? I wanted a simple and cheap button to trigger a scene so I just bought the extra push button (LMLT-711). When pressed it gets auto created as a device in the interface, although it’s a urn:rfxcom-com:device:X10ChaconRemote:1 (with dim, bright, group off and group on command buttons).

Do you get the same device? How do you get the notification through when the button is pressed? What do I need to do in terms of scenes/triggers?


It is quite simple actually once I found out that the button sends a “group on” event. Noticed that when I analyzed it through RFXmngr. This is how I configured the notification at first see picture. Lather I moved the notification in to a PLEG so that it can have it only notify me when I’m away.

Thanks for the reply, although I cannot get it to work and I think I’m missing something or I’m just plain stupid.

I enter the “button” device configuration and switch to the advanced tab. There, I chose “Add notification for: a scene is activated”, name it whatever and enter a scene number (in decimal like “5”, for a simple scene of mine that only switches on a light (which does work if used through the interface)). This will not make anything happen when the button is pressed.

I also noticed that it’s a “group on” event in RFXmgr, but the above says nothing about that and there’s no way of specifying this in the trigger, or is there no need to? Have you done anything else to make it work?


You have to use scene number 100 as in group on.

You can find a list of the different scene numbers here →,9563.0.html


[quote=“korttoma, post:8, topic:177440”]You have to use scene number 100 as in group on.

You can find a list of the different scene numbers here →,9563.0.html



Is it possible to use the added device for the Nexa LMLT-711 button ( to trigger the LML-710 bell (

When I add the LMLT-711 button I get a X10ChaconRemote in Vera.

Is i possible to use this device to send the correct signal to activate the LML-710 bell and make it sound a signal? When I push the “Group On” button nothing happens.

I THINK I have succeeded in activating the LML-710 bell using Vera (and having the Vera using the LML-710 bell as a audio notification device) earlier, but I can?t remember how. :S

I think you need to putt the bell in learning mode an then press the group on button in vera.

Thanks! I will try this when I am home.

EDIT: Yes, it seems to work! I sent the Group On signal from the created device in Vera to the bell (set in learning mode) and it was able to sync.

After reading this thread I still do not know how to get my Byron SX working. I have to create a group button, then sync it with my doorbell. Then in notifications I have to create a notification for scene 100, which is my notification when the doorbell rings.
I think that is the way to set it up ?
That should not be a problem, but how do I create the group on button ? When I try to create a button, I do not know what protocol is etc to use to create that button.
My doorbell does not get automatically created when pressed, but as far as I understand it shouldn’t anyway.

If your doorbell is really using the Byron SX specific protocol, while this protocol is not supported by my plugin, you will see no device created by the plugin.

Ok so as I thought, it will not create a device for my Byron SX. But I can tick enable in the Rfxtrx device, and as far as i understand there is a way to ring the bell with a group on command, and also see when it has been pressed with a notification for scene 100. The question is asthe device is not automatically created, how do i create that group on device ?

The instructions previously regarding the group on command was for the Nexa LML-710doorbell. The nexa protocol is supported so all needed devices are created automatically. If no devices are created for your doorbell it means that it is not supported and there is no way to make it work. I brought up the nexa because I know it works and is really cheep.

Ok that is what i thought might be the case after reading everything again and again. I wonder why the protocol can be enabled in the Rfxtrx device, i was hoping there was a way to then do something with it. I wanted to have a door bell integrated in my system for a while but cannot find anything suitable, as i need a wired doorbell (due to distance and thick walls) but i also wanted a portable bell to be able to take into the garden. The Byron SX does all that. I will have to look at other options, but I think here in the UK we are quite limited, and I dont think there is anything I could integrate which could do all that

The Byron SX Chime seems to be listed as supported by the RFXtrx433 so if you are skilled with coding maybe you can add the support for the plugin yourself or you can wait and hope that lolodomo finds some time to do it.

I wished I could… maybe in a few years. I am constantly learning and can do a lot of things now I never thought I could do. But that’s too far beyond my abilities at the moment. I have bought a Nexa doorbell for testing, maybe that’ll work for my requirements, or maybe I can adapt it with a little tweaking and the help of PLEG and tasker.


On `4 november 2014 you wrote in the “Byron SX PIR topic”:

[size=8pt][size=10pt][i]RFXtrx only supports byron sx chime, not PIR.

The first criteria to support in the plugin a new feature of the RFXtrx is: can I implement the feature using the standard devices provided by the Vera. If not, I hesitate a lot because first that is more work to create a new specific device type and the main problem is that this new device will be supported by no third party software (mobile application).
For Byron SX chime, we need mainly a scene trigger to signal chime. I could add it on the main device but that would require you can identy the ID of your device. That would be too much difficult for 99% of users.
Another option would be to use a non adapted device like for example a door sensor but then I should probably untrip the device after few seconds ?
If you have a good idea how to integrate this device in the Vera, let me know and I will study all proposals.[/i][/size][/size]

I have a Buron SX chime. It works very well and is supported by my RFXcom, but I like to be able to integrate it within my Vera. A simple solution: just use a non adapted device like door sensor that is untipped after a few seconds is enough.
Can you please reply if you have plans to support this in your excellent plugin and if yes, on what term? If you have no plans can you give some tips how I could implement it myself ?
Many thanks in advance

[quote=“Mai Pensato, post:19, topic:177440”]I have a Buron SX chime. It works very well and is supported by my RFXcom, but I like to be able to integrate it within my Vera. A simple solution: just use a non adapted device like door sensor that is untipped after a few seconds is enough.
Can you please reply if you have plans to support this in your excellent plugin and if yes, on what term? If you have no plans can you give some tips how I could implement it myself ?
Many thanks in advance[/quote]

With this plugin, my wish would be to release a final version (more or less the current beta version) and I cannot do it due to an unexplained “technical” problem in the marketplace that MCV seems to be unable to solve !
So no, I have no plan to enhance my Vera plugin in the near future but I could help to debug in case of someone discovered a major issue.

Unfortunately my code is not well documented but if you take time to read the code, you will see that the code is well structured and that it is relatively easy to add the support for a new protocol. I cannot explain in details what to do, it would take probably more time writing than implementing myself the enhancement !