Broken app icons in UI7?

Recently started to use UI7 with my new Vera Edge and I found many app icons are broken.

I have tried to manually update the apps but with no luck.

Have tried to search but got nothing. The apps should be supported on UI7.

Anyone knows what the problem could be?

UI7 expects icons to be stored in a different Vera folder than was used for UI5. Also animated icons are processed in a different way. Unless a plugin has been modified to work with these changes, you will just get a default icon.

Where a plugin has been modified for UI7, it may need to be updated, even if the version doesn’t change, in order to move files and/or settings.

I think a few users reported that some plugins were working even though the icons were not displayed correctly. Unless you want to get down-and-dirty with json files, there isn’t much you can do to fix this. You could try posting in the threads for each plugin to see if the authors are aware of the issue.

I think the PLEG and VeraAlerts apps from RichardTSchaefer should be compatible? Will post in the Program Logic Plugins thread and ask!

PLEG certainly is and I expect Vera Alerts is too. Have you updated them since switching to UI7? In PLEG’s case you would need to update PLC as well.

Manually updated PLC and PLEG (again) and forced refresh. This seems to have fixed the issue! Thanks!

Installed both apps fresh after upgrading to the latest FW of UI7.

My PLugins
Vera Alerts

All require you to upgrade the plugin, even if you are on the latest version if you change the UI version.
So if you change from, UI5 to UI7, or if you decide to move back from UI7 to UI5 you must upgrade the plugins.
The reason is because I update UI Version specific features during the installation.

I did not upgrade from UI5->UI7, only upgraded the FW on UI7.

The apps was freshly installed after this upgrade (from Apps->Install apps), but the icons for PLEG and Day or Night didn’t show until I manually upgraded all the apps using URL.

[quote=“n0ir, post:7, topic:185833”]I did not upgrade from UI5->UI7, only upgraded the FW on UI7.

The apps was freshly installed after this upgrade (from Apps->Install apps), but the icons for PLEG and Day or Night didn’t show until I manually upgraded all the apps using URL.[/quote]

I had the same problem. I updated from UI7 7.0.3 to 7.0.4 on an EDGE. After that update I lost all icons by Richard. DAY or Night, Vera Alerts, PLEG, TIMER. I just went threw an did a force update on all even tho they were current and then a browser refresh and all icons are back in the UI.

I just upgraded my vera lite to UI7. Although the DayTime plugin works fine, I do not seem to get the MOON icon during night services. It continuous to show the SUN icon. I have followed the manual upgrade as suggested but no change. Although I realize it’s a cosmetic issue, I wish to get it all functioning correctly. Any advice how to remedy?