Booting off a separate drive...

Does anyone know of a way ( docs ) to enable booting vera from an external drive ?
Running out of space on vera. There are tons of useful packages out there and I am
quickly running out of room…

May I ask, what specificly are you doing that is causing Vera to run out of space?

While I will eventually use Vera as a NAS hub, I’ve only looked into it. I know the OpenWRT side of the router has the ability to attach a USB drive, but I question if that will really help you.

If you use those packages on the OpenWRT do they stay loaded when a firmware upgrade is done?

Yes. Any changes made in the router management stays even after at Vera firmware update.

Thanks for the reply…

I would like to use a usb drive to install various packages and run a music server using a usb drive. Given that it seems that the packages are loaded from vera static drive, I would like to be able to mount them directly from the usb drive. Do you think this is achievable ?

Thanks !