Bonjour (zeroconf)

Have you considered supporting Bonjour (ZeroConf) in Vera? The url is very clever (and I’m curious as to how it works) but being able to enter vera.local in my browser would be handier and nice for when I get fancier with scripting, etc.

To be honest I don’t know that much about Bonjour, and I pinged my devs and none of us have used it. It sounds like something we should look into. RE: “being able to enter vera.local in my browser”, does that require a certain browser? Or will any web browser work, including old browsers, Linux, etc.

I agree that Bonjour support would be nice. Note that this used to be called rendezvous, and a brief description can be found on Wiki here:


Linux has Avahi for that.

Yes, Avahi is a Linux implementation of Bonjour. That would do the trick. It works with any browser, and many printers and devices (like the Chumby) are building it in. Definitely something you should look into if you’re interested in making networking easier.