Blue light on outlet blinks

Hi all,

Sorry if this is a FAQ… didn’t find anything in searches. Also this isn’t necessarily a vera-specific question but I hope you can help me anyway.

I have a Vera Lite and a number of devices, mostly outlets, that I control. One of them has recently started to become “flaky”, and then it quit controlling altogether. I went to look at it tonight and noticed the blue light that normally comes on when the outlet is on is flashing. I killed power to the outlet hoping to “reset” it, but once power is restored it just flashes again.

Is it possible that the outlet simply needs to be re-paired? Or is it dead?

It could be multiple causes but without knowing make and model of the outlet it is hard to give a useful answer.

[quote=“tfischer, post:1, topic:189475”]Hi all,

Sorry if this is a FAQ… didn’t find anything in searches. Also this isn’t necessarily a vera-specific question but I hope you can help me anyway.

I have a Vera Lite and a number of devices, mostly outlets, that I control. One of them has recently started to become “flaky”, and then it quit controlling altogether. I went to look at it tonight and noticed the blue light that normally comes on when the outlet is on is flashing. I killed power to the outlet hoping to “reset” it, but once power is restored it just flashes again.

Is it possible that the outlet simply needs to be re-paired? Or is it dead?[/quote]

Could just be the LED :slight_smile: I have a GE/Jasco On/Off switch in the kitchen where the blue LED was intermittent and now no longer works but the switch is fine.

No it was flashing quickly and repeatedly.

I deleted it from vera and re-added it to the network and that seemed to snap it back into action.

Do devices somehow just “forget” their pairing?