Black background and Downstairs

On my wife’s phone the homewave app seems to default to a black background screen and page title called Downstairs.
It doesn’t matter what we change the colour too, it seems to come back to black.
If we switch to another page and return to home it shows the background but then a couple more actions and it bounces back to the black screen and heading called downstairs.

It makes it impossible to use really so I hope someone may have seen this before.

We end up just changing all the colours so we can use it but seems a big to me.

On my phone same thing except my seems to stick once I bounce around a few controls .

Any ideas how to work around this?

This app does not show your devices when you first run it. It only gives you a single control screen (Downstairs) with nothing on it. You have to go into edit mode (the Spanner button), select a grid square, and click + to start adding your Vera devices. You can also add additional screens.

More work than other apps, but it gives you full control over what is shown and where.

Thanks, we have got controls. And been using your app for couple of years and really like it.
I will try and upload images to show you.
Forgot to say this is only at first start of the app after shutting it down and reopen.

Firstly From my wife’s phone,
First image, all the controls on one page, background is set to light gray, but app starts and stays with black background and downstairs name. So we have to have all the text white so we can see it.

Second image, if we click into settings and back again, the correct colour image background shows and the heading changes.

My phone.
First image, black background and downstairs heading.

Second image, click on a tile to another page, come back to home, and l’âge name changes and background white . (This isn’t a problem as much for me as I have pages, my wife doesn’t ;-(
