Better implementation of the TTS in Sonos

In complement to the discovery that Sonos is compatible with any Media Server, it has been discovered that TTS is working perfectly with Sonos DMR using the DLNA plugin.

What is very interesting is that the DLNA plugin is using the http-get protocol and without any adjustment of the MP3 file. Using the http-get protocol, the playback of the speech starts immediately on the Sonos even if the audio file is very small.

The conclusion is that the silence file can simply be forgotten if I use the http-get protocol rather than x-rincon-mp3radio.

Fabulous discovery. I am the first surprised to not have discovered that by myself earlier !

Woa!! Cool! … We use the speech function heavily so this is a great finding!

That is great development and find.

I am not the one who discovered that but what a great discovery.

The change is now committed in my “in development” version (trunk) and so of course will be included in the coming beta 3 version.

A concat of files is now avoided.

[quote=“lolodomo”]I am not the one who discovered that but what a great discovery.

The change is now committed in my “in development” version (trunk) and so of course will be included in the coming beta 3 version.[/quote]

Yes, as per your other post, thanks goes out the the French guy…, well done all!

You are welcome

I test the lolodomo’s plugin without Knowing that it should normally not work with Sonos.
Thx Lolodomo for this great plugin.


What do you think of this for a future version of the Sonos plugins TTS:

An option to have an Alert tone before TTS…

Not my idea, I saw it here:,23725.0/topicseen.html

I don’t post on here very much (time…), but kudos to all on this plug in & idea generation. I know feedback isn’t the only motivation for doing good work but in this case well warranted!

[quote=“jimpapa, post:8, topic:179535”]Lolodomo,

What do you think of this for a future version of the Sonos plugins TTS:

An option to have an Alert tone before TTS…

Not my idea, I saw it here:,23725.0/topicseen.html[/quote]

It should be doable using a playlist, not a Sonos playlist because I would like to avoid modifying the current content of the Sonos queue but a m3u file. First I have to test what is the behaviour in the Sonos when you ask for the playback of a m3u file.
The difficulty could be to identify the duration of the new initial file to play…
The current trigger to restore the previous playback context is based on the duration of the TTS message and a timer. It is probably something I should redesign and rather consider the end of the playback to trigger the restore.

That’s cool… I would never have thought of it… But I can see the utility in it for sure.

It would be really great in our office!

Thanks for looking into it. :slight_smile: