Best way to integrate cameras

On my way to drop off my fiancee to her bridal shower and I get a notification the back door sensor tripped! After panicking, dropping her off and running back to the house it was a false alarm. Looks like it’s time to add some cameras to the mix

I want to use poe in cameras. I would like them so send me a notification when they detect motion with the previous 30 seconds before the trip and 30 seconds after.

From my research there looks to be a few ways to do this.

Plug cameras directly into router and use Vera plug in to manage but I would only get still shots?

Use a small nvr that comes with alot of the camera kits. No sure if there is a way to integrate into Vera

Or what seems to be the best way is use a server running blue iris and the plug in in Vera.

Is the best way the server running blue iris? I’ve been meaning to build a server for home file storage, plex, and possiblly distribution of cable TV

I replied to your other post, but I’m not sure what your budget is.
I would stick with original reply though and recommend a synology+ box for you (one of the + models I recommend if you’ll be using plex). Especially if you are only going to have 1 or 2 cameras, after that a dedicated box for BlueIris and PLEX might be better for you.

[quote=“yacobid, post:1, topic:188860”]On my way to drop off my fiancee to her bridal shower and I get a notification the back door sensor tripped! After panicking, dropping her off and running back to the house it was a false alarm. Looks like it’s time to add some cameras to the mix

I want to use poe in cameras. I would like them so send me a notification when they detect motion with the previous 30 seconds before the trip and 30 seconds after.

From my research there looks to be a few ways to do this.

Plug cameras directly into router and use Vera plug in to manage but I would only get still shots?

Use a small nvr that comes with alot of the camera kits. No sure if there is a way to integrate into Vera

Or what seems to be the best way is use a server running blue iris and the plug in in Vera.

Is the best way the server running blue iris? I’ve been meaning to build a server for home file storage, plex, and possiblly distribution of cable TV[/quote]

Blue Iris is great and I have that setup at two houses. I use the app ImperiHome if I want to view cameras in the same app that I use for vera, but I still use Blueiris app 99% of the time as I can browse threw previous motion detection’s and recordings (unlike in vera).

I sue virtual Motion sensors to have camera motions in VERA.

BlueIris down side is that it needs a good computer which cost money. It will eat CPU power up (RAM and Graphics are a non issue really) Try to install a few 3MP cameras on a i3 or even older and you can run CPU at 100%. Blue Iris will probley be way overkill for 1 or 2 cameras, but I already had an 8 Core AMD running PLEX and a few other things so 40.00 BI and 100.00 each Hikvision Cameras work great. But when I tell someone without a good computer that BI needs a I5 or I7 if you run a few cameras then they look towards package DVRS instead.

“Best way to integrate cameras” - IMHO, the best way is to not to integrate into Vera at all. Cameras in Vera definitely take up memory, and I don’t find much benefit. I pulled mine out of Vera…

If you just want them on the same screen as Vera devices, Imperihome does that without them being from the same source. If you really want interaction between the cameras and Vera devices, there are ways to do HTTP calls without actually having the cameras as devices, but I haven’t found a real reason to do that…

(Posting this in the Video Camera sub-forum makes me glad karma is disabled…)

That’s what I ment to say. LOL

Has anyone used the NVRs that come with a lot of these camera packages?

NVR vs Server/PC w/ blue iris

anyone have any recommendations for 2mp or 3mp ip poe kits. There are a lot of them! hard to tell whats garbage or whats worth it

[quote=“yacobid, post:6, topic:188860”]Has anyone used the NVRs that come with a lot of these camera packages?

NVR vs Server/PC w/ blue iris

anyone have any recommendations for 2mp or 3mp ip poe kits. There are a lot of them! hard to tell whats garbage or whats worth it[/quote]

A quick search for 3MP POE kits comes up with swann hits and they look like they are using almost or the same cameras I am using (3MP hikvisions). Cameras cost 100 each on ebay or amazon.

These kits seem to cost around 800 to 1600 for 4-8 cameras. 4 cameras it would be hard for me to build a computer and buy 4 cameras and POE injector for that price of 800. BUt I would have a computer that has multi use and way more versitile and upgrade-able. Not to mechion BI is better then NVR software and works with motion sensor input with VERA. An 1600 for 8 cameras I can do alot cheaper then the NVR option.

I run PLEX and Photo/Cell phone nightly backups to the same computer that runs Blueiris. I fell like the NVR would draw as much power and make as much noise but be very limited with no upgrade ability in the future.

Also last computer I built was a Mini ATX with i7 real small and quiet no monitor (usually remote into it or hook it up to TV for setup) but 30.00 wireless keyboard and mouse.

These type of cameras (they are sold under multiple brands, search by image content via google) work pretty well once setup -

They are a bit hard to set up the first time, but they offer mjpeg, rtsp with alot of options and for their price the video is pretty good. There is also one version for 4.0mp which is a bit pricier (10-15$). I use them with a poe injector - found some really small ones that can be tucket in the camera mount

I have Blue Iris running on an old computer. Super easy, super super easy.

I am starting to think to remove the cameras from Vera too… the only benfeit now s to be able to see them remotely, but there are others ways to do the same thing

I think I am leaning heavily towards Hikvision or dahua cameras hooked up to an old computer, that way when I save up enough to get the home server running I can switch it over.

can anyone recomend a good place to pick up the cameras?

also for the price these caught my eye… not sure who makes them but very cheap for whats included




I went w/ foscam. Cheap. But… now I am planning on moving to Hikvision because the quality is awesome. So, if i were you, I’d spend the $150/camera rather than $100 and get the quality. You get what you pay for, especially with cameras.

I started with Foscams but not because they were cheaper, it was because I thought I needed all the features and not the quality. I spent less then 100 on my Hikvisions.

Thanks for those links…!

+1 for the links.
Do you know why is the dome noticeably cheaper?


[quote=“mrv777, post:14, topic:188860”]+1 for the links.
Do you know why is the dome noticeably cheaper?


A few things can affect the price…

Direct from China vs. In the states. Shipping time longer but cheaper from china.

Firmware on camera (which i believe is the anwser to your question in this case, possibly). Ture china only camers comes in Chinese language or menu only. Multi language is what you want in a firmware. Online forums have instructions and directions to reflash china to multi language. This is a question i would ask the saler.

I usually update the firmware on mine when i get them but 90% of mine already came multi language. Camera and quality is the same just menu’s are in Chinese.