best thermostat?

I’m getting a new AC system today and would like to get a Vera Light compatible thermostat. Hopefully one on the simple-to-use side. Any suggestions? I should search around some more, maybe there’s already a post that answers this but I’d love to hear if anyone has an opinion.

OK, I’ve looked around some more and I’ll just retract my question. I haven’t used the Veralight yet, getting new AC today and I put that question in because the man was asking me which thermostat I wanted. There’s no way I know enough at this point to choose one and I see that I can’t tell you enough to help me. Likely the only responses will be from those who will be negative, not looking for that today. Seems like a good forum overall, looking forward to trying the system.

As a heads up, just get a cheap one from the A/C guy now and you can always upgrade after you have time to do your research. Though I am sure there are other topics on the subject I know you have basically 2 choices (very general choices):

Wifi Thermostat with a plugin
Z-wave thermostat.

I know some use Z-wave ones. I happen to already have a wifi one (RadioThermostat 3M-50) and there was a plugin so I kept it. another popular wifi one is the Nest. There is plugin for that as well.

The z-wave ones might have better integration, but since I’ve never used one I will leave that up to you find out in your research. Either way, just go with a cheap one (it’s what I did when they installed my A/C in 2011) and then shop around for the one you want. Just make sure they put a Common line at the thermostat, even if the current thermostat doesn’t use it. Your A/C guy will know what that means.

Just make sure they put a Common line at the thermostat, even if the current thermostat doesn't use it. Your A/C guy will know what that means.

This. This is the most important thing. This gives you the option to run whatever t-stat you want in the future, without having to worry about how to power it.

[quote=“TC1, post:4, topic:180946”]

Just make sure they put a Common line at the thermostat, even if the current thermostat doesn’t use it. Your A/C guy will know what that means.

This. This is the most important thing. This gives you the option to run whatever t-stat you want in the future, without having to worry about how to power it.[/quote]

Agreed. Make sure your A/C guy installs a common wire (a five-wire cable). I have three Trane Z-Wave thermostats and I’ve never had a problem.

Evolve now makes sells a thermostat almost identical to the ones made by Trane. You can find them at the Vera Store:

Or shop around for the best deal.

I don’t believe Evolve actually makes anything.

I’m using two Remotec thermostats, which are very good with many functions for complex system. But the rational choice is Trane. When the HVAC breaks you want the service tech looking at a familiar name. Giving explanations of zwave and weird, complicated thermostats to the repair man costs time and money.

Nest isn’t zwave (yet), and is not good for complex systems. But it sure is the best looking thermostat available. I want one just to look at.

ALL, and I mean all the t-stats on the market that have either a “100” or “101” in their model number are all made by RTOA. Everyone else just slaps different faceplates on the models. Really.