Best Browser to work with Vera 3

I normally use Google Chrome but I’m having problems getting my Vera 3 UI5 Dashboard to load. I also have the latest Versions of Mozilla Firefox and if necessary Internet Explorer 11.

Is it common for the Vera 3 UI5 Dashboard to not load? I keep getting a message that or cannot be found when using Google Chrome Version 33.0.1750.146! With Mozilla Firefox Version 25.0.1 I keep getting “The server at is taking too long to respond”.

I know that it is not my computer as it is one of the latest of Asus, the ASUTek G750 Series with 4th generation (Haswell) Intel Core i7-4700HQ 2.4GHz (turbo up to 3.4GHz) (Quad-Core) Processor and 12 Gigabytes of Ram and Windows 8.1 Professional. Where I live up at 8,000’ in the San Juan Range of the Rockies I have to use a WildBlue Satellite for the Internet. I’m using a ASUSASUSRT-AC66U Dual-Band Wireless-AC1750Gigabit Router.

What options do I have? Any suggestions?

Mozilla seems to provide the best results, but Chrome works fine as well.

Based on your description, I would verify that:

[ul][li]Vera is indeed at that address.[/li]
[li]There are no other hosts using that address and creating a conflicting IP.[/li]
[li]Vera is functioning correctly and not overloaded or stuck in a reboot loop.[/li][/ul]

Hi Z-Waver,
Thanks for taking an interest in my plight. After hours of trying to find out why I’m having problems loading my Dashboard I’ve come to the conclusion that the slow Internet Satellite Connection is my biggest problem. I pay for the fastest Satellite Speed available but as compared to my Comcast Broadband Connection Speed at my other house in the SF Bay Area of CA I feel like I’m back to the old 300 Baud Dial-up Speeds of the past when trying to load my UI5! Before I get into this any further is the new UI6 better programmed to load faster? I followed your suggestions as best as I could but now I’m wondering if I made a major mistake in trying to set up my Home Automation using Vera.
Thanks for your help,

Can you clarify a few things:
How is your local network (LAN) response to other local devices?
How is your Vera connected to your LAN and router (wifi, cabled, via a switch)?
Have you tested external connection via either, or through (This would confirm the latest registered IP address of your Vera)
How have you configured the ip allocated to your Vera (static, reserved or DCHP)?
Have you logged on to your switch or router to confirm the current IP address of your Vera?
Do you have a iPhone or Andriod, (So you can download Fing and confirm the IP address of your Vera)?
The error can either be a local network issue such as an incorrect (previously Vera allocated IP that is now redundant), IP conflict, your Vera is not connected or a Vera issue. But normally revolves around the IP address.

If you are connected locally over your LAN and directly to your Vera, internet connection speed is not the issue and does not impact on the rendering of the dashboard.

Edit: this is not a computer or browser issue either, it is a connection issue.

Last test is to connect computer direct to on of your Vera LAN ports. And then try and see if this work with a direct connection. This is more learning to identifying Vera specific issues.

@Brientim’s rather extensive list should help pinpoint your issue.

Your internet connection should not impact LAN access to Vera.

Your internet connection will impact remote access to Vera. Internet connection can also have a limited effect if you are logged in to MCV servers when attempting local access, but it should be nothing like you describe.

Anyone else having problems with Chrome lately? I can’t execute scenes from website scene button in Chrome, works in IE or my remote control app Grasshopper.

I tried deleting the history but still happening.

[quote=“AgileHumor, post:6, topic:179972”]Anyone else having problems with Chrome lately? I can’t execute scenes from website scene button in Chrome, works in IE or my remote control app Grasshopper.

I tried deleting the history but still happening.[/quote]

I just update chrome yesterday (granted, I think I’m on the beta) and it works (ver Version 34.0.1847.11 beta-m)

[quote=“AgileHumor, post:6, topic:179972”]Anyone else having problems with Chrome lately? I can’t execute scenes from website scene button in Chrome, works in IE or my remote control app Grasshopper.

I tried deleting the history but still happening.[/quote]
It sounds like you are stuck in Incognito Mode 8)

What have you been doing? ;D

Sadly, it’s in normal mode.

I only use Incognito Mode mode for my goat fetish. I kid, I kid. lol

Can you clarify a few things:

How is your local network (LAN) response to other local devices?
The only LAN use here is when I use email, online banking, etc, all faster connect times.

How is your Vera connected to your LAN and router (wifi, cabled, via a switch)?
Direct Ethernet Cable

Have you tested external connection via either, or through (This would confirm the latest registered IP address of your Vera)

The connected faster but was still slow.

When I entered it came up requesting that I pick a unit and also stated ?Unassigned units in the same network: None?

It showed my Account #300…, and IP: and when selected it was a slow connection but still faster than entering like in the past which redirected to which basically stalled for over a minute and finally connected but was still loading data for over 10 minutes when I cancelled it!

The connected faster than using but was still slow

The loaded fast but was all the advertising about Vera and I never got through to my account.

How have you configured the ip allocated to your Vera (static, reserved or DCHP)?
I don?t understand this

Have you logged on to your switch or router to confirm the current IP address of your Vera?
When I entered it showed my Vera?s IP as

Do you have a iPhone or Android, (So you can download Fing and confirm the IP address of your Vera)?
I have an Android Smartphone: Samsung Galaxy Note 2

The error can either be a local network issue such as an incorrect (previously Vera allocated IP that is now redundant), IP conflict, your Vera is not connected or a Vera issue. But normally revolves around the IP address.

If you are connected locally over your LAN and directly to your Vera, internet connection speed is not the issue and does not impact on the rendering of the dashboard.

Edit: this is not a computer or browser issue either, it is a connection issue.

Last test is to connect computer direct to on of your Vera LAN ports. And then try and see if this work with a direct connection. This is more learning to identifying Vera specific issues.

Edited by: mcv.vlad
I removed private information from this post. Please take better care in the future to avoid leaving the url on any public place.

Edit this post and remove your account information.





Mod or Jlrsn. As above remove the responses that show http or your Vera.

Or delete post. There is a few things to work with.

Unassigned units in the same network: None?
By “Assigning” to your account, this allow the remote access from your account to the unit. You can have more than one unit assigned to an account and once logged in albeit remotely or locally, by select the unit in the top you can switch between them very quickly. To log in locally from the Dashboard select ACCOUNT.

How is your Vera connected to your LAN and router (wifi, cabled, via a switch)?
Direct Ethernet Cable
Vera 3 WAN port to Router

I believe we might need to do this to ensure that is is functioning correctly.
“Last test is to connect computer direct to on of your Vera LAN ports. And then try and see if this work with a direct connection. This is more learning to identifying Vera specific issues.”
Your Vera3 has two distinct Ethernet ports at the rear. The one marked WAN should be connected to your router… if possible can you connect a Ethernet cable directly from your laptop to one of the other four ports, marked 1-4.

Allow your laptop to be assigned an IP address from your Vera (your laptop is using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) which is a standardized networking protocol used on Internet Protocol (IP) networks for dynamically distributing network configuration parameters, such as IP addresses for interfaces and services *- where the Host (your Vera) assigns to the client (your laptop) the IP address).

In the browser enter this is the default internal IP address of the Vera if you are connect to it through it LAN ports. Go to SETUP > Net & Wi-fi > Click on Manually Configure.
What Network Connection Type do you have set to DCHP (static is set physically on the system and reserved is a pre-assigned IP on the DCHP host for a client)
Firewall set to Firewall disabled if you want to connect remotely.
LAN set DHCP server to On (should already if you have got this far without setting a static IP address on your laptop)
Wireless set Wifi on to On (you can change the passkey if required to something you can remember).
Click Save and Apply (This should be the basic default setting) if required Click Reset to default network later after testing as you previously did.
Disconnect Ethernet, connect to you LAN as normal and retry.
This is where I suggest using either remote access to confirm the IP Address as it may have changed or a tool such as FING to conduct a network Scan and determine the IP address.
You can also try to connect direct to the WIFI of your Vera but other network stuff may not be available but is go for confirmation testing if required.

Have you logged on to your switch or router to confirm the current IP address of your Vera?
When I entered it showed my Vera?s IP as
This will only change once the Vera connects external and reports I here
Now if you or via externally try to connect to your Vera but is changed to a new IP address and not reporting in, the issue you see will be displayed and most of the quick loading being represented is cached (stored on your laptop) for quick retrieval. CTRL F5 is the common command to clear the cache.

Last point always check you Ethernet cable are plugged in correctly and haven’t dislodged because even the slightly will be an issue. Verify the WAN (Wide Area Network or the escape to the outside via your internet) is active.

I hope this helps. Give it a try and see how you go. I am in a different part of the world and hopefully you get past your problem or other may chime in and assist if it is not resolved. If it is resolved, (I know they say leave good enough alone), you could now reset Net & Wifi back to default as discussed earlier. It should get the same IP address assigned if all is going well…

Good Luck

Thanks Brientim,
I’ll do everything you posted and report back. I’ll ALSO stop putting TOO MUCH info as I did with my last reply!
I’ll try to learn how to properly work with my Vera 3!
Thanks again for all your help!

Hi Brientim,
I complied with most everything that you suggested as shown below:

I believe we might need to do this to ensure that is is functioning correctly.
“Last test is to connect computer direct to on of your Vera LAN ports. And then try and see if this work with a direct connection. This is more learning to identifying Vera specific issues.” Your Vera3 has two distinct Ethernet ports at the rear. The one marked WAN should be connected to your router… if possible can you connect a Ethernet cable directly from your laptop to one of the other four ports, marked 1-4.

[b]I Connected as shown above with my WAN connected direct to my Router and my Computer?s Ethernet port connected to my Vera 3 Port #1. It connected immediately once I selected the options that came up which included ?UI5"! The URL of my Vera Dashboard then showed:

Is there any reason that I cannot keep this connection as before I had connected my Vera 3 as shown in the original install instructions of my Vera 3 which is different?[/b]

Thanks for all of your help!!

I’m still a little confused and will seek out your help as I continue,

Thanks again,

There still maybe other underlying issues…

The test you last performed was utilising your Vera as a router which confirmed that your Vera is functioning.

You should now be able to disconnect the lifeline between your Vera and your laptop and connect to your normal router. Either uses a scanning tool, log on to your router or connect externally via to confirm the local IP address. There may be a little latency (delay) but it should not be significant, if it is, you have the work around but should consider raising a ticket to tech support via

Hi Brientim,
Is there any real reason to quit the lifeline right away that you helped me to set up (The lifeline between my Vera and my laptop) as I’ve never had my Vera 3 Dashboard load so quickly? As of right now I don’t have any Devices working and before I got so discouraged when my Vera 3 Dashboard would take almost forever to load or not load at all! In the next few days I’ll be trying to connect Switches, my VistaCam HD and Foscam FI9821W Cameras, and eventually my Honeywell ZWSTAT - Z-Wave Thermostat. I’ve got a box full of Z-Wave Items to install but I got hung up trying to get my Vera 3 and Cameras working. I had help from micasaverde support in setting up my VistaCam HD which quit working right after the support stopped. This time I’ll try getting it working by myself! This is the first time that I feel like I can follow the install instructions and make things work!! Thanks ever so much for all your help!!

Not if you only want to access locally. The only thing you may want to test is external access and this could be by using one of your mobile device. (Phone or tablet) whilst still maintaining your current configuration. Also remember to associated the Vera with your account… Every day is a school day.