Before sunset event not working?

I’m pretty new at this, and I’m trying to figure out how to set up a simple scene that will turn a light on before sunset and turn it off 4 hours later.

I have a scene that has, in the Commands tab, turn light ON then 4 hours later turn it OFF. In the timers tab, I have a single timer that is day-of-week based, all 7 days checked, that says Before sunset 30 minutes. What happens every evening is…nothing.

If I change the timer to be a specific time of day, the scene works exactly the way I’d expect it to.

Am I doing something wrong? Also, are there any logs that I can look at to see what the system thinks it’s doing? Thanks.

[quote=“rogerl, post:1, topic:168375”]I’m pretty new at this, and I’m trying to figure out how to set up a simple scene that will turn a light on before sunset and turn it off 4 hours later.

I have a scene that has, in the Commands tab, turn light ON then 4 hours later turn it OFF. In the timers tab, I have a single timer that is day-of-week based, all 7 days checked, that says Before sunset 30 minutes. What happens every evening is…nothing.

If I change the timer to be a specific time of day, the scene works exactly the way I’d expect it to.

Am I doing something wrong? Also, are there any logs that I can look at to see what the system thinks it’s doing? Thanks.[/quote]


Myself i created 2 scenes, one for switching on (including sunrise options)
And another for switching off (including sunsetoptions.

This helped me to use the two scenes with any lights i want to associate.
But of course with some experience in luup coding it should be possible to get it into one scene…
This might help: []

Any takers?

I actually saw that post, but assumed I didn’t need to to any lua coding.

I will try your suggestion of splitting up the actions into two scenes. But can anyone explain why what I coded does not work? It seems like a fairly simple set of instructions that is (or should be) clearly supported.



Your setup is correct and should work as is without code.
Are you running .1245?


I have found the built-in “before sunset” timer to be really flaky. It worked in UI2 before I moved to UI4 and .1245. And then, not.
I now use the DAD Luup coding and set it 17 minutes before sunset. That seems to work for me.

[quote=“rogerl, post:1, topic:168375”]I’m pretty new at this, and I’m trying to figure out how to set up a simple scene that will turn a light on before sunset and turn it off 4 hours later.

I have a scene that has, in the Commands tab, turn light ON then 4 hours later turn it OFF. In the timers tab, I have a single timer that is day-of-week based, all 7 days checked, that says Before sunset 30 minutes. What happens every evening is…nothing.

If I change the timer to be a specific time of day, the scene works exactly the way I’d expect it to.

Am I doing something wrong? Also, are there any logs that I can look at to see what the system thinks it’s doing? Thanks.[/quote]

[quote=“JOD, post:4, topic:168375”]@rogerl,

Your setup is correct and should work as is without code.
Are you running .1245?


Yes, I just upgraded to .1245.

This morning I decided to try 6 hours before sunset, turning off after 1 minute. It just triggered, and worked properly (also, I got the sms notification that I had set up, which I wasn’t getting before either). So I just went back in and changed the timer to 30 minutes before instead of 6 hours before and I’ll see what happens tonight. Very odd; perhaps the .1245 upgrade fixed things, or perhaps I’m an idiot, or both.

[quote=“ballroller, post:5, topic:168375”]I have found the built-in “before sunset” timer to be really flaky. It worked in UI2 before I moved to UI4 and .1245. And then, not.
I now use the DAD Luup coding and set it 17 minutes before sunset. That seems to work for me.[/quote]

Where can I find documentation for the Luup coding - like primitives, syntax, and the like?

Here is the referring thread. I haven’t dug into the code, but maybe there is something there for you:

I didn’t know you could get a notification for timed events… How did you set that up?


I didn’t know you could get a notification for timed events… How did you set that up?


I second that info request 8)

I didn’t know you could get a notification for timed events… How did you set that up?


I just added notifications for both on and off events in the light object. I naively assumed that should work :slight_smile:

So your notification reference is not related to the before sunset event?

It’s a different scene?


[quote=“JOD, post:12, topic:168375”]So your notification reference is not related to the before sunset event?

It’s a different scene?


It’s not a scene at all. In the object in the MIOS UI that represents the light itself, there’s a notification tab. I created two notifications in that tab, one for light goes on, one for light goes off.

Make sense?

[quote=“rogerl, post:13, topic:168375”][quote=“JOD, post:12, topic:168375”]So your notification reference is not related to the before sunset event?

It’s a different scene?


It’s not a scene at all. In the object in the MIOS UI that represents the light itself, there’s a notification tab. I created two notifications in that tab, one for light goes on, one for light goes off.

Make sense?[/quote]

Makes sense to me…
And what did you use as sms/text notification provider if i may ask?

[quote=“Henk, post:14, topic:168375”][quote=“rogerl, post:13, topic:168375”][quote=“JOD, post:12, topic:168375”]So your notification reference is not related to the before sunset event?

It’s a different scene?


It’s not a scene at all. In the object in the MIOS UI that represents the light itself, there’s a notification tab. I created two notifications in that tab, one for light goes on, one for light goes off.

Make sense?[/quote]

Makes sense to me…
And what did you use as sms/text notification provider if i may ask?[/quote]
I have it set up to send me an email and also a text message on my Verizon phone.

[quote=“rogerl, post:13, topic:168375”][quote=“JOD, post:12, topic:168375”]So your notification reference is not related to the before sunset event?

It’s a different scene?


It’s not a scene at all. In the object in the MIOS UI that represents the light itself, there’s a notification tab. I created two notifications in that tab, one for light goes on, one for light goes off.

Make sense?[/quote]

It makes sense now. Thanks for clarifying…



Ok, since im in Europe that probably isnt going to work.
What i meant is… what code did you use for that?

Did you find it in the forums?
Like this?

I’d like to set something similar up too, but havent found any code that i could use in Europe working with my provider or an online service

@Henk, → My Contact Info → ‘Send a text message to my mobile phone’

[quote=“oTi@, post:18, topic:168375”]@Henk, → My Contact Info → ‘Send a text message to my mobile phone’[/quote]

Curious you always pop-up after i have explored that option 10 seconds ago.
Since my region is “Other” ive set it up as requested (with the +countrycode)

Strange i didnt see that option before…
Must create a how to for it on the wiki!

Should work.

Must create a how to for it on the wiki!
Yup; please do! :)