BBA COMMS Lost - Why?

Everytime there is a reboot. the panel has the error BBA COMMS LOST and vera states system trouble. Once I clear it, all is good until the next reboot.

anyone else dealing with this.

If the panel is enrolled in PowerLink mode, it will send a keep-alive message every 30 seconds. It expects this to be acknowledged, such that it knows the communication is still in tact between the panel and the PowerLink module. The plugin will normally acknowledge such a message. But it is not able to do so when Vera is rebooting.

It depends how fast the restart of your Vera is (and where the plugin is in the start-up sequence) whether the panels reports a comm loss or not. Once the plugin starts up it will send a message to clear the comm loss error.

Note that all this is only applicable in PowerLink mode.