Basic SquareConnect Question--Advice Needed

I’ve been a stranger for a while, and find all the threads about UI2/UI3/UI4 and various firmware builds very confusing.

The bottom line is that I’ve been using the 1.0.979 release with relative stability for a long time. I want to upgrade but am very wary of instability–I simply don’t have three evenings to kill fixing Vera right now. I have no problem with the current user interface and don’t see a need to upgrade to UI3.

I’d appreciate some simple advice about what I should do–I’m not interested in beta testing now that the mature SQ App is available–I just want the path of least resistance that will allow me to use this new functionality. So what firmware version should I use to keep my life simple?

Thanks in advance.

I understand your concern, and I must say I have never seen updates managed in such an unprofessional way.

A month ago, I also upgraded from 979. I use 989 with SQRemote right now.
But I don’t have any fancy locks just switches and dimmers and a motion sensor. The update went smoothly but that was a month ago and since MCV has their servers embedded in the upgrade process I wouldn’t guarantee that this will work the same today.
But I would recommend 989 since it works well with SQRemote.

I am not too happy with it, but it is as stable as 979. My patience with evenings spent on updates has also come to a stop. So I will wait, for a release that most people are happy with.

Hope this helps


I’m using 1.0.988 (UI2) with SQ Remote quite successfully. 1.0.988 seems very stable and SQ Remote will spoil you. It’s that good!

Caveat, my Vera setup is fairly simple - no locks, no thermostats.

I tried upgrading from .616 to .988 - that did not go well. So once I was able to get back into a reset Vera, I went to .979, restored my configuration and then was able to smoothly upgrade to .988. So far so good with this version of the firmware, but I don’t have locks/motion sensors/etc. The other wrinkle was Sq. Connect for some reason was not handling my password very well and was unable to gain remote access after paying the $50. Now apparently, I seem to be the only person with this problem and Sq. Connect has been working with me all weekend on trying to solve this, but the problem went away when I went to a less complex/secure FindVera password.

Thanks to all. I am now running 1.0.988 based on this advice and all is fine so far. Looking forward to getting SQ remote up and running, as well.

I like Vera very much–when stable, things run like a charm with only an occasional tweaking. We have three thermostats, a pool pump and many lights (though no door locks) and I wouldn’t want to go back to a pre-automated life. That said, it sounds like my frustration with buggy builds is not isolated, and I appreciate the helpful advice!

[quote=“ksquared, post:5, topic:165794”]Thanks to all. I am now running 1.0.988 based on this advice and all is fine so far. Looking forward to getting SQ remote up and running, as well.

I like Vera very much–when stable, things run like a charm with only an occasional tweaking. We have three thermostats, a pool pump and many lights (though no door locks) and I wouldn’t want to go back to a pre-automated life. That said, it sounds like my frustration with buggy builds is not isolated, and I appreciate the helpful advice![/quote]

ksquared, which link did you use to upgrade to 988

UI2 url: or

Anyone using 1.1.228 and sq connect. App doesn’t recognize Vera on my network. I really don’t want to waste the time to downgrade. The upgrade was painful enough - firmware became corrupted.

I don’t really like UI3. Keep thinking roger rabbit is going to pop onto the screen. Just figure I’ll grin and bear it until there is a stable UI4.

[quote=“zean, post:7, topic:165794”]Anyone using 1.1.228 and sq connect. App doesn’t recognize Vera on my network. I really don’t want to waste the time to downgrade. The upgrade was painful enough - firmware became corrupted.

I don’t really like UI3. Keep thinking roger rabbit is going to pop onto the screen. Just figure I’ll grin and bear it until there is a stable UI4. [/quote]

Hmmm it should work with 1.1.228, I believe. Please raise a ticket on the Square Connect ticket system, and we can find out what the problem is…


[quote=“blazinace, post:6, topic:165794”]ksquared, which link did you use to upgrade to 988

UI2 url: or[/quote]

I used the link on the support page. I believe this is the first link you posted, but I’ve re-copied it here:

BTW, I should add that I installed the premium version of SQ Remote (with a little trepidation–$50 seemed a little steep) but am very happy thus far. I just now called home from work (~20 miles away) to confirm that our pool pump went off nearly immediately, as did a scene with four separate light switches.

Even as a techie, I found the customization less than intuitive, but once I got the hang of it quite powerful. I only wish there was an align command when adding groups of switches to a screen. Those of you who have done this will know what I mean.

In any case, I would recommend this firmware build for anyone else in my position, and do have nothing but positive things to say about the SQRemote app.

[quote=“ksquared, post:9, topic:165794”][quote=“blazinace, post:6, topic:165794”]ksquared, which link did you use to upgrade to 988

UI2 url: or[/quote]

I used the link on the support page. I believe this is the first link you posted, but I’ve re-copied it here:[/quote]

Thanks for your prompt reply. I’ll give it a try when I get home later.

Hi ksquared.

Glad you like SQ Remote. If you have any feature requests - please pop over to our own forum and let us know. We do monitor the MCV forums, but it is easy to miss things. If there IS something that you thing should be added - pop on over and let us know.


PS - I added “align command” to the feature list for you.