"Bad or No Device Found" Error Message

Just yesterday I started getting the following error message pop up on my Vera’s dashboard:

“IPhoneLocator : Bad or No device found:{“maxMsgChar”:160,“isMac”:false,“lostTimestamp”:”",“batteryStatus”:“Unknown”,“activationLocked”:false,“lostDevice”:{“createTimestamp”:1386255811471,“emailUpdates”:true,“userText”:true,“text”:“This iPhone has been lost. Please call me. ext.”

Although my iPhone Locator apps for my iPhone and my girlfriend’s appear to be working, a PLEG plugin I had running to mute our iPhones when we were home for a certain amount of time appears to have malfunctioned and now I’m wondering if the problem is related? I have never gotten this error message before and didn’t change any settings in my iPhone Locater apps. Any ideas??

[quote=“agoodman82, post:1, topic:179167”]Just yesterday I started getting the following error message pop up on my Vera’s dashboard:

“IPhoneLocator : Bad or No device found:{“maxMsgChar”:160,“isMac”:false,“lostTimestamp”:”",“batteryStatus”:“Unknown”,“activationLocked”:false,“lostDevice”:{“createTimestamp”:1386255811471,“emailUpdates”:true,“userText”:true,“text”:“This iPhone has been lost. Please call me. ext.”

Although my iPhone Locator apps for my iPhone and my girlfriend’s appear to be working, a PLEG plugin I had running to mute our iPhones when we were home for a certain amount of time appears to have malfunctioned and now I’m wondering if the problem is related? I have never gotten this error message before and didn’t change any settings in my iPhone Locater apps. Any ideas??[/quote]

I would need to see the log in debug mode, but that error message is when the information received from iCloud about your device does not have the right location information in the answer. I would suggest you try to log into iCloud directly from a computer, log in and try to see the status of your phone. did you declare it as stolen for instance ?
the web page to go to is: iCloud


I checked the iCloud website and I am able to located my iPhone properly. It is where it should be, and I have not reported it as stolen or lost. The location of the phone is also correct on the iPhone Locator app itself. I found how I can put the app into debug mode but how would I be able to get you the log to take a look at? Thanks for the help. This is a truly amazing plugin and if I can get this to work reliably this will change the way I can interact with my z-wave components.

I figured out what was causing the error message: the iPhone Locator app that was created for my girlfriend’s phone had two instances of iPhones listed. One for her iPhone 5s, and one for her old iPhone 4 which she had sold and I had forgotten to remove from her “find my phone” app in iCloud. The app must’ve been seeing this iPhone as being ‘lost’. I removed her old phone from the list and I no longer get that error message.

Now if I can just get that Mute/Unmute PLEG working properly again lol…

[quote=“agoodman82, post:4, topic:179167”]I figured out what was causing the error message: the iPhone Locator app that was created for my girlfriend’s phone had two instances of iPhones listed. One for her iPhone 5s, and one for her old iPhone 4 which she had sold and I had forgotten to remove from her “find my phone” app in iCloud. The app must’ve been seeing this iPhone as being ‘lost’. I removed her old phone from the list and I no longer get that error message.

Now if I can just get that Mute/Unmute PLEG working properly again lol…[/quote]

when changing configutations, device plugin ID are changing sometimes becasue the IPhone Locator dynamically create/delete child devices ( like any other plugin on Vera, that is how it works ). PLEG seems to use device IDs in its rules & settings so it happens sometimes the whole things gets desynchronized

Fix: note down the ID of the iPhone devices plug in in VERA. then go into PLEG and verify the inputs/properties/triggers/actions/schedules correspond to the right device IDs. if not delete and recreate the inputs/properties/triggers/actions/schedules or go into the advanced page of PLEG , look at the json strings of the advanced variable /schedules , verify the ID of hte iPhone devices, eventually change , save, restart lua…