Availability of pre-built Altsteon development release?


Does anyone know where to download the pre-built Vera3 Altsteon development release? I was hoping it was still available from somewhere before I try tackling compiling it from source.

It used to be available from the original developers webpage (http://www.geektaco.info/altsteon), but this page appears to have been shutdown now.

My apologies if this has already been answered. I was unable to find an answer elsewhere.


Won’t let me attach it, too large. Pm me your email.

Have you checked sourceforge? (Altsteon download | SourceForge.net)

Thank you, I’ve sent you my email address.
Appreciate it.

Yep checked Sourceforge but was only able to find the sources.
I was able to compile fine on Fedora, but not sure I have the know-how to compile properly on my Vera3.

Were you able to get the pre-built package? Care to share?

Yep, joey52685 emailed it to me.
I’ve attached it here for others.

I’m still having a tough time to get it to recognize my dual-band dimmers, but that’s a topic for another thread… :slight_smile: