AV Device Grayed out while creating new scene


I am really newbie to home automation and to Vera.
I am using Vera3 and Sq Blaster to control my samsung TV. I have added Sq Blaster plugin and added new AV device.
TV is being controlled fine with Vera Mobile app, however I am not able to create scene associated with TV.
I read in some other topic that I need to go to Advance option in new Scene, The TV is still grayed out.
any help is much appreciated.

Thanks and Regards

On the Advanced tab in your scene, you will choose your Sq Blaster device from the “Pick a device:” dropdown and click Add. You would then choose your desired variable, and set it accordingly.

I don’t own an Sq Blaster so I can’t help you beyond that.

thanks for the reply mate,

looks like there is something weird happening with my UI5.
I cant see any options when i click on advance!!!, i thought that is the way it is
please have a look at the screenshot.

Back to square … looks like there is no such thing as “advanced” in UI5


lso in UI4 you had ‘advanced’ command (on the advanced tab) vs. ‘normal’ commands (on the command tab). And it was impossible to see all your commands in one place. In Ui5 there’s no longer the concept of normal vs. advanced commands. There is still an Advanced tab, but this is only an advanced “view” of the same commands. The same commands are shown on the devices tabs as on the advanced tab. The advanced tab just presents it in a table view with all the commands in the scene. Whereas the devices tab let’s you build a scene more like a macro recorder, by just clicking on the devices the same way you would on the dashboard.

There is a bug on your Vera … maybe try another browser … The advanced tab does not LOOK like the dashboard.

[quote=“jasaniD, post:4, topic:181825”]Back to square … looks like there is no such thing as “advanced” in UI5


lso in UI4 you had ‘advanced’ command (on the advanced tab) vs. ‘normal’ commands (on the command tab). And it was impossible to see all your commands in one place. In Ui5 there’s no longer the concept of normal vs. advanced commands. There is still an Advanced tab, but this is only an advanced “view” of the same commands. The same commands are shown on the devices tabs as on the advanced tab. The advanced tab just presents it in a table view with all the commands in the scene. Whereas the devices tab let’s you build a scene more like a macro recorder, by just clicking on the devices the same way you would on the dashboard.[/quote]

That’s not the issue. I’m on UI5. I agree with Richard - something with your browser possibly. I use the latest version of Google Chrome, but I think IE 9-11 work okay as well. If your already using one of those, clear your cache and restart your browser.

The main reason for the Advanced tab is that not ALL commands for a device have a User Interface on the console.

The advance tab provides access to all of the defined commands for a device. Many of these commands do not have a user interface … because they take an argument that can not be supplied by the existing user interface.

Thanks fore the reply guys,

Now i am on IE11, the result is same.

You must have some screwed up data structures … did you use LUA for any trigger or for the Scene ?

You can probably recover by restoring from a backup from before this happened.

Hi Richard,

Never used LUA scripts as I am relatively new to the Vera.
However I tried changing “Controlled by” option in advance settings of few devices which gave me message that “the Vera will brick”, I still did it and those devices disappeared from the list.
Will factory reset help?