Automatic Heal Time

We’re kind of night owls, and it’s not uncommon for my wife and I to be up at 2:00 watching a show or movie, especially on the weekends. The automatic zwave heal makes any lights that are on flicker several times - is it possible to modify the time of the heal? 4:00 would be much better. I’ve looked in the docs and searched the forums, but I haven’t been able to find anything helpful.

the auto heal shouldn’t cause the lights to flicker! it might make Vera slow to respond. There’s no way to change the time of the auto heal, but you can disable it by unchecking “Use Vera routing instead of Z-Wave (requires 4.5)” under Setup / Z-Wave settings, and then choose to do manual heals when needed.

I’d read about the Vera routing, so thanks for the confirmation about not being able to change the time. It most definitely causes the lights which are already on to flicker for a second or two (lights which are off do not flicker). I’m using a combination of halogen and LED, and GE and Evolve switches, and I notice the behavior at 2:00 nightly and also during a manual heal.

I have Leviton switched and they have never flickered. They should not operate at all (meaning leak any voltage) unless turned on via manual or Z-wave command.

You might have a faulty switch or wiring that may turn into a safety hazard. I understand it’s hard to not blame the healing of Vera.

As mentioned by CptJack, maybe disable the auto heal until your 100% sure it is heal related.

[quote=“AgileHumor, post:4, topic:179256”]I have Leviton switched and they have never flickered. They should not operate at all (meaning leak any voltage) unless turned on via manual or Z-wave command.

You might have a faulty switch or wiring that may turn into a safety hazard. I understand it’s hard to not blame the healing of Vera.

As mentioned by CptJack, maybe disable the auto heal until your 100% sure it is heal related.[/quote]

They only do it for a quick moment, only during heals (auto or manual), and only if they’re already turned on. I can’t believe it’s a faulty switch or wiring, as I have two dozen of them doing it, and they don’t flicker any other time but during a heal.

In fact, if I’m in an area with many of them that I can see at once, I can watch them do it in order.

I can also make them flicker (though extremely briefly) by changing a device option and saving. When the change takes effect, the light flickers one time.

@CptJack, I don’t think anyone is saying what you are seeing isn’t happening, what we are saying is that it shouldn’t happen. Imagine if the z-wave device was alarm instead of a light switch, every time a heal occurred there would be a potential to accidentally trip it.

Some theories/ideas: Do you happen to have any startup code that gets executed? Possibly a scene that is getting momentarily triggered (accidentally) at startup? Do you have any “all on” or “all off” light scenes?

One thing to keep in my mind that after any heal, Vera does a restart.


[quote=“TC1, post:7, topic:179256”]@CptJack, I don’t think anyone is saying what you are seeing isn’t happening, what we are saying is that it shouldn’t happen. Imagine if the z-wave device was alarm instead of a light switch, every time a heal occurred there would be a potential to accidentally trip it.

Some theories/ideas: Do you happen to have any startup code that gets executed? Possibly a scene that is getting momentarily triggered (accidentally) at startup? Do you have any “all on” or “all off” light scenes?

One thing to keep in my mind that after any heal, Vera does a restart.


That’s a good point, and I’ll further it by saying I’m not sure that this is a Vera problem, but maybe something with the switches themselves. Perhaps they do an internal reboot after being configured. I don’t think the restart is the problem, since I can actually watch it happen sequentially during the heal, as I watch the heal progress on the Vera. It’s not really a big deal, and it may be that I’m more sensitive to it than others, but the nightly was driving me crazy.

Is it happening exactly at 2am? The heal would fluctuate.

Starts at Midnight I think…and normally takes a few hours. It only does an auto heal if there are missing hops detected during the day too…so if it happens every night, probably not the heal.

If it’s 2am on the nose every night, there might be something else kicking on (like a pool filter).

Please let us know what you find out.

[quote=“CptJack, post:8, topic:179256”][quote=“TC1, post:7, topic:179256”]@CptJack, I don’t think anyone is saying what you are seeing isn’t happening, what we are saying is that it shouldn’t happen. Imagine if the z-wave device was alarm instead of a light switch, every time a heal occurred there would be a potential to accidentally trip it.

Some theories/ideas: Do you happen to have any startup code that gets executed? Possibly a scene that is getting momentarily triggered (accidentally) at startup? Do you have any “all on” or “all off” light scenes?

One thing to keep in my mind that after any heal, Vera does a restart.


That’s a good point, and I’ll further it by saying I’m not sure that this is a Vera problem, but maybe something with the switches themselves. Perhaps they do an internal reboot after being configured. I don’t think the restart is the problem, since I can actually watch it happen sequentially during the heal, as I watch the heal progress on the Vera. It’s not really a big deal, and it may be that I’m more sensitive to it than others, but the nightly was driving me crazy.[/quote]

Easy way to prove or disprove that theory, re: configuring devices.
Run a manual heal, but make sure you uncheck “Re-configure all the devices when done.” and let’s see what happens.

[quote=“TC1, post:10, topic:179256”]Easy way to prove or disprove that theory, re: configuring devices.
Run a manual heal, but make sure you uncheck “Re-configure all the devices when done.” and let’s see what happens.[/quote]

It doesn’t happen with the checkbox unchecked. It’s very noticeable with the checkbox checked.

What time and stage did it happen when you healed the network?

I think it was 5 of 7, but I don’t remember exactly.

Also, I read in another post that the auto heal is at 2:00, and to answer your question, it’s not necessarily “2am on the nose” but rather 2-ish (maybe 2:05). My heals never take more than 20 minutes or so - not hours. VeraLite with about 25 devices.

Sorry to clarify, but does this happen to all devices or a specific brand?

As I mentioned earlier, I see hard not to blame the heal as everything is pointing to that…or at least a device. Just never heard of such an experience.

It looks to be limited to the dimmers - no relay-style modules exhibit this behavior. Oddly, though, I have the GE 45612 and the Evolve LRM-AS with both LED and halogen and all combinations flicker when configuring (via device options or heal).

I just don’t know sir ???

I get this same behavior. So far I’ve only noticed it on my GE dimmer. At around 2:05AM and again at 2:15AM, the light flickers slightly. This happens regardless of the dimming level of the dimmer at the time. After it happened for a few nights, I looked at the Vera and thought “that’s a cron job”.

Tonight I happened to pop open the Vera interface and saw that the flickering happens while the Vera is running a “Heal”. This happened exactly when the heal reached the dimmer in at least two different stages.

Is this a cron job or something? If not, is it a variable somewhere in a config file that can be edited?

I realize that technically the dimmer or wiring may also be at fault. I’ll swap it out and see if there’s a difference, and also look more closely at my other lights (mostly switches) during a “Heal”.


you can try to disable the nightly heals by unchecking “Use Vera routing instead of Z-Wave (requires 4.5)” under Setup / Z-Wave settings