Automated Heal for Certain Devices

Hi All,

So I have done a little hunting but can?t see anyone doing this, which surprised me a little (please point me to the post if I have missed it)

I want to run a full network heal once per week to keep the mesh network in top condition. However I do have a few devices such as the minimote that don?t react well after a heal.

As such is there any Luup code that will allow me to specify all the details needed such as:

? Which devices to include in the heal
? How long to wait for battery operated devices to wake
? Numbers of passes
? Etc.

In essence a way of doing a heal (repair network) as I would manually from the user interface but via luup so I can schedule it and with the ability to select all the devices I want to include thus allowing me to leave the minimote out of the equation.

If this is not best done with Luup but other ways to achieve my goal I would also be interested.

I use UI5 so assume the nightly automatic heal feature is in relation to UI4 or other earlier units? (have read about this in other posts)

Many thanks in advance.


I don’t know of any LUUP code method to specify your own custom heal as requested. However, by default Vera runs a full network heal operation every night a 2:00am. There’s no need to manually schedule a weekly heal.

The automatic heal covers all devices. It will wait for up to 1 hour for battery operated devices. You can prevent changes to your Minimote or other devices by going to the settings page of the device and changing the “Automatically configure” option from “use default behavior” to no.

Good to know, thanks!

Interesting okay so this is not referanced any where in the UI5 interface but good to know.

Is it the same as a manual heal as when I do a manual heal the minimote stops working and I get stars in the report, if left alone and the manual heal runs (although I did not know till now that it did) the minimote stay functional and all stars in the report are empty?

Sent from my HTC HD2 using Tapatalk 2

I can’t speak for what might or might not be happening to the minimote with manual vs. automatic heal.

I believe that the nightly heal is the same, or at least very similar to a manual heal, however it seems that the heal report is only populated with a manual heal. I’ve not been able to determine why.

That’s good enough for me, thank you for sharing the knowledge :slight_smile:

Sent from my HTC HD2 using Tapatalk 2

The automatic heal only runs if there are nodes who’s routing are not fully optimized. The automated heal itself can cause other problems with scene timing (due to the restart after it completes), and also making nodes worse; as such many have disabled it!

Hi strangely,

So now I have further thoughts lol.

So how do I enable or disable this automatic heal?

When you say restart when rubbished do you mean luup reload?

If people are automating heals how are they doing it, if not by the built in set up, or are they just doing sevral of the manual heals then leaving it at that?

If a mesh network is left, will it deteriorate? Or will it always remain as left after last heal?

Lol, Sory for the questions :slight_smile:

Sent from my HTC HD2 using Tapatalk 2

Uncheck “Use Vera routing instead of Z-Wave (requires 4.5)” in the Setup / Z-wave settings tab

When you say restart when rubbished do you mean luup reload?
yep (assuming you meant finished instead of rubbish (autocorrect?))
If people are automating heals how are they doing it, if not by the built in set up, or are they just doing sevral of the manual heals then leaving it at that?
Not sure, but maybe with an osexecute command in the luup tab of a scene perhaps?
If a mesh network is left, will it deteriorate? Or will it always remain as left after last heal?

If you don’t change anything, move anything, or have a node fail, then you should be OK.

Thanks for this - great info.

Apologies about the typo - dam autocorrect on my mobile when using tapatalk.

So if any one out there is using some sort of Luup or osexecute to run a heal I would be interested to know.

Also would be interested to hear what people’s preferences are, and why, in relation to using either the automated nightly run or a scheduled / manual run.

At present I think I would prefer manual run but would like to be able to do it via luup and on a schedule with the ability to set parameters as I would always have an updated (populated) heal report page and would have greater control generally.

so I have used:

Uncheck "Use Vera routing instead of Z-Wave (requires 4.5)" in the Setup / Z-wave settings tab

but now I don’t get a report with stars highlighted. Is that normal?


I did another heal last night - this was the third. I now have the stars populated - hover over information is not working but I have starts showing.

I now intend to run a heal specifically on the devices with worse connectivity to vera to secure best routing via neighbours to hopefully improve things.

I prefer the option of manually managing the z wave network thus knowing if something breaks I did it and not an automated action I may otherwise have been unaware of.