AutHomationHD and IP Address Question

I am just getting into automating my home with Vera, Tasker, and the other billion plugins that exist. It seems that my IP address is not static and when it changes late at night I can no longer control the one light I have hooked up to Vera via Tasker/Autovoice. Do I have to setup my local network to a static IP address, or is there something else I can do within the Vera unit or AutHomationHD?

Thanks guys,

  • Ricky

P.S. One other question. How do I access the “Application Setings” in AutHomationHD after initially installing it?

Yes, it would be wise for Vera to have a static IP address. You can set this in most routers and it should be covered in your router’s manual. It’ll make it easier on apps or your computer browser to access Vera.

Swipe all the way to the right past the devices and you’ll get to the right menu. Scroll down to Settings and select same. Application Settings is one of the options inside that menu.

Thanks BOFH! Yeah, I just didn’t want to muddle with my router settings if I didn’t have to. And thanks for showing me how to get to the Application settings.