Authomation HD slow to switch devices

I have been using AutomationHD for the last couple of weeks and when connected via the LAN switching devices on and off has been almost instant. In the last two days it has started to lag and I have noticed their can be 5 seconds before a device responds.

I tried Imperihome as a check and that is instant.

I want to use AutoHD. Is there a way to speed it back up again?

Reboot Vera just in case?

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

I figured it out. Its when I switch on “Auto Select connection type” that the response slows down.

If I deselect that and then do an auto configure the wifi based controls are instant. As soon as I switch on auto select connection type it slows down even if I am still connect via wifi.

Ok cool. I use the app a bit too so good to know.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

Ive not been able to sort it out, but It seems ive identified the problem.

What version of the app are you running?

  • Garrett

Hi Garrett - Im using app version

This has been re-written in the next build of AutHomation. You can try out the beta here:,25219.0.html

  • Garrett

That works perfectly. Many thanks.