Authomation HD/autovoice and NEST

I am trying to set up an old phone with Tasker, Autovoice and AuthomationHD to act as a standalone home controller and need some help with the setup for my NEST thermostat.

How do you configure autovoice to trigger AuthomationHD to prompt for the temperature you want to set?

Running the latest play store version of all tasker related apps and AuthomationHD.

I can get the Autovoice recognize profile setup and the task built with the Authomation plugin but it only has set cool point to a value, not a prompt to change the value.

Is this possible? I keep trying to set the coolpoint or heatpoint via voice command directly from authomationHD and it works fine, I just can’t figure out how to translate that via autovoice and tasker.

Any ideas would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Here are a couple links that may help:

I ended up setting a profile that recognized a command trigger phrase which opened the AutHomeHD VR shortcut via Autoshortcut plugin. It works but I have a hard time getting it to recognize the commands in the VR client. That’s more of a speech recognition issue I think than any of the apps I’m using though.

The end state goal is to get these profiles set up and working then port them to older android devices (Samsung Epic and G2), put a mic on the devices and plug them into an out of the way outlet. Basically I’d be re-tasking some older devices into standalone controllers that would be always on and listening. Then drop them in my living room, office and bedroom so the wife and kids could use them as well. A poor mans whole home voice controlled automation project.