Armed sensor confusion

Ok, I must be missing something. I have a HSM100 sensor. I have a scene that will turn on lights if motion is detected. That works fine. Except I don’t want it to run during the day. So I changed the event to run only if the sensor is armed, and I set up other scenes that will arm / disarm the sensor at certain times.

The problem is, the sensor doesn’t seem to do anything when armed. If I arm it, the lights go on. After that, nothing happens. What am I missing?

Check your scene setup.

The scene needs the event set up as an armed sensor is tripped.


Interesting, I have a similar issue… I just got two motions the other day and have been playing around with the setups. Basically if the sensor was in a tripped state when I arm it will set off the scene.
So I am on my way out of the house so it trips the sensor, then I arm it the scene get activated. (Not so good)
I need the sensor to do a reset when it is armed… Anyone know how to do that?

There are variables ‘Tripped’ and ‘LastTrip’.

You could try to set ‘Tripped’ to 0 via Luup Lua extensions before arming the sensor.

If there were a variable ‘LastArm’, you could check within your scene(s) if LastArm < LastTrip.

I have the event set up as when an armed sensor is tripped. It just never runs, even when the sensor is Armed. It will only run when I arm the sensor.

[quote=“ald, post:3, topic:166831”]Interesting, I have a similar issue… I just got two motions the other day and have been playing around with the setups. Basically if the sensor was in a tripped state when I arm it will set off the scene.
So I am on my way out of the house so it trips the sensor, then I arm it the scene get activated. (Not so good)
I need the sensor to do a reset when it is armed… Anyone know how to do that?[/quote]

I’ve always had an issue with this. Armed sensor is tripped does the same as tripped sensor is armed. I think these should be distinguished, but I don’t think they are.


That worked… And it forced me to finally play with the scripting… Thanks!

[quote=“ald, post:7, topic:166831”]@Ap15E

That worked… And it forced me to finally play with the scripting… Thanks![/quote]

Can you post your code? I am just starting out with it, and would love to see an example of this.

Ok, I figured it out, and thought that I would post this in case anyone else is / will be having the same problem. The motion sensor has a “on time” variable that is, by default, 20 mins. So regardless of whether I was rearming the sensor in Vera immediately after it first got tripped, the sensor itself wasn’t “rearmed”, so to speak.

To change this setting on the sensor itself, you need to ad a configuration setting in the sensor’s “device options” tab – Variable = 2, 1 byte dec, desired value = # of minutes you want it to rearm.

I think the “Arm” / “ByPass” setting in Vera’s UI is a separate variable that is used to control other scenes / events.

This is all in other posts, but just spread around a bit and a little confusing. Hope this helps someone.


Just a word of caution: It does work as long as the Z-Wave device does not resend the event that caused Tripped to change to 1 …

Since we are on the topic of HSM100 options, has anyone experienced a problem with setting option 1 (sensitivity level) in UI4? Every time I try it I get an error. I tried to set the value to 220. I don’t remember the exact wording but when the 3 in 1 is in the process of being reconfigured, in particular when the custom settings are being load back in the device the bottom of the icon turns red and gives the error. This seems to be a consistent and reproducible error. My device is only accessible by remote access so I can’t get the wording (no one is around to press the little blue button). Can some try this and see if you also get an error. I have option 2 set to 10 as well, I don’t think that makes any difference.

@JimMac ,
This is probably due to the device being a battery powered device? Or do you have it on a wall wart?
If it’s on battery power it’s probably asleep, it may take several device wake up cycles or a few days before the config is pushed through in this manner.



It is powered by an external 5v power supply. It worked on all other versions until 1062 UI4. I have a long hall way that requires more sensitivity so I always used a value of 220. The error message stayed for two weeks until I removed option 1 and reconfigured. Everything worked after that. Put the values back in an it will fail each time. I have two and it does this for both. Any one else got time to test theirs?