Arduino Scene Activator with Weather Station

you will have a lot of fun building this one.

ADDED: Check out the video at youtube.

This Weather Station will display your indoor and outdoor environmental conditions but features some hot capabilities…

Send a Short Message to the LCD from Vera by adding another variable and populating it with whatever you like on Vera.

Using it in the bedroom and you want to turn the backlight off to get a good night sleep? It has that. Just use scenes or PLEG to toggle a variable on the hygrometer device to turn it on or off at specified times.

Want to trigger a scene or initiate some other action from PLEG? It has that. Just use PLEG or Luup to monitor a variable on the hygrometer device to do cool things like:

Put your house into Night mode
Turn off all your lights
Open your window coverings
Turn on your Stereo, TV, or even a tea kettle
Close your Garage door…
in fact… this little button can be set up to do whatever you can setup in Vera!!!

I have attached the sketch, so you are just a few tiny components away from having this all on your nightstand or on your desk.

1: You will need to hardware debounce your switch but can be done with two extra components available for just a few shekels at your local electronics supplier. diagram attached.
2: Arduino Nano, Uno or Pro Mini.
3: Hygrometer/thermometer sensor
4: LCD display I got mine on ebay
5: A few wires
6: A Button
7: Radio Module

If you plan on building a simple hygrometer/thermometer… build this one instead, and make it really cool and powerful.

The sketch can be found here. I will post some photos of the (extremely simple) build if you are interested. Check back at the link in a few days for the photos. I need to gather up one more part.

Have Fun!

Added: Photos of completed project…