plugin commit fails again

Hi @Sorin,

When I commit a new version of a plugin I get commit failed as a message. However, it does look like the new files get committed. Can you have a look at this?

Cheers Rene

Hi Rene,

I’m sorry for the delay. I’m checking on this, with the team.

LE: Sysadmins are investigating this.

@reneboer , fixed, but I am unable to know why it failed. Please send me a message having the error (print screen or text), as I am unable to find this in the logs - even though the files were there, the directory itself did not have any svn relation. I had to do a checkout and then copy your files and commit.

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Hi @alecs ,

Just committed, but again a fail message.

Cheers Rene

What plugin were you working on ? And what is your apps handle ? I need to double check as I found some plugins that are developed by multiple developers and I just want to make sure all is well and I do not overwrite any file.