Application Error

I am getting the following and cannot use the app. This just started within the last week:

There appears to have been a display error, you may need to restart. If this persists, please disable button animations under Settings/Diagnostics

I can do this but end up with the stock icons again. What happened?


I’m investigating this now - there is a bug in the iOS framework which has caused this (and I’m trying to find a way around), but it seems to have been exacerbated lately due to some new buttons in VeraMate. I’m not entirely sure why yet.

Not sure what you mean that it ends up with stock icons though? Disabling the animations will simply stop some of the smoother animations when a button is shown/hidden etc.

as I mentioned in my other post, I think this was happening when I was having connection problems to my Vera. Since I have had a reliable connection for the past 2 days, I have had no problems.

I get that error the first 10 - 15 times I try to open VeraMate at the moment… killing / restarting the app works eventually, but I often get bored of trying and resort to using the beta version of the MCV vera app. This seems to occur whether I’m home, or remote.

… not sure about the stock icons comment though, mine just shows the modes and the “Dashboard”, “Scenes” and “Frequently Used” buttons… all the other buttons I’ve setup aren’t shown at all

I’m hoping 10.1 will fix a lot of these issues, as there is more robust network should a connection to the Vera become unstable. Remember for this particular error, follow the instructions in the message to disable some animations (via the settings) which should prevent it from using some animation code which causes this.