Anyone want to buy my Veras?

Ok, so I’ve been running Homeseer since May and I think I’m gonna stay. That said, I have 3 veras I’d like to get rid of. I’m not sure if they are kosher on selling them here, but I thought it would be nice to try and sell them here first instead of on ebay. The 3 Veras I have are:

Vera Lite (with UI5 on it) and the antenna mod: This was used from July 31st 2013 until May: $100 obo
Vera Edge: I started to move to this around January, but never really made the full switch: $125 obo
Vera 3 (UI5): I got this, but barely ever used it except for plugins: $150 obo

I also have a Xuan Stackbox that I never really got around to playing with. It has been used, but mainly left unplugged: $100

I will also try and contact Vera and have them all disassociated from my account before sending them off. Please make reasonable offers.

P.S. Sorry if this is inappropriate to post this here and please remove if necessary.

I've been running Homeseer since May and I think I'm gonna stay.
That says a lot ... there have been a number of people that have left ... judging by their silence ... I hope MCV recognizes this and why!

The Vera 3 could help someone struggling with size problems that does not want to move up to Vera Edge/UI7.

[quote=“RichardTSchaefer, post:2, topic:188908”]

I’ve been running Homeseer since May and I think I’m gonna stay.

That says a lot … there have been a number of people that have left … judging by their silence … I hope MCV recognizes this and why!

The Vera 3 could help someone struggling with size problems that does not want to move up to Vera Edge/UI7.[/quote]

I’m not going to get into a long list of reasons why, but the biggest reason was that my locks “just work” and they work FAST! Using their Z-NET most of my devices connect directly to it (no routing). It just has amazing range and because it’s not so much a “controller” but an access point, it can be placed almost anywhere. They only thing missing is I think they should add POE to it and that would make it perfect.

Vera was great to start with, but as my system grew, it just wasn’t enough. I think you’ll find that all the people that have left haven’t all gone to Homeseer…I think some went open open hab. With not much free time, I went the route that cost more money, but was faster to get up and going. Also note that this was not cheap. It was $450 for the software and the Z-NET during their 50% software sale in May. Add to that the cost of the new dedicated NUC I’m looking at buying and it is close to a $1k deal for the whole package. However, it was worth every penny (for me). That cost doesn’t even include plugin cost, which are a lot more expensive for HS than Vera ($20-70 each!), but I just dealt with it and didn’t buy plugins that I really wasn’t using for automation.

My biggest issue with HS so far is that my Leviton 2 button scene controller (with 2 loads), just doesn’t work. I was able to get it to work the way I wanted in Vera, but HS not so much. I’m just gonna replace it though with something else (hopefully).

That all said, I think Vera still is great and I’m hoping someone wants to buy them so they at least get some use out of them.

What kind of locks do you have? I switched to homeseer about the same time and couldn’t get my locks to function. I have 3 kwikset locks. I would add them and they would work for a few days then the device status would switch to unknown. I tried Everything to get them to work. Finally I switched back to vera and my locks are functioning great again. (If anyone is looking for a znet pm me) over all I’m glad to be back here.

I have schlage locks. If you wanna swap a znet for any of the veras above plus maybe some cash (znet for Vera + $), let me know!

Sent from my XT1053 using Tapatalk

MCV only needs to look at how quiet this entire board has become, how few apps are being created, once you lose creativity of the users it is hard to come back.

I can not beleive how hard of a time my friend had to install a Foscam camera to UI7. I understand that MCV can not write plugins for everything (they should try writing as many as they could though) but for a camera that is perhaps one of the most used for DIYers, I think the instalation should be seamless. I took a look at the plugins of HomeSeer pretty impressive, and I agree that people need to pay for plugins, (your PLEG plugin Richard is worth 10x what you charge). I really like that Homeseer has a proper working Russound plugin. The Russound plugin on the Vera app store right now is only for using the usb2serial port on Vera, not to use a ip2serial device.

Just my rant.

[quote=“RichardTSchaefer, post:2, topic:188908”]

I’ve been running Homeseer since May and I think I’m gonna stay.

That says a lot … there have been a number of people that have left … judging by their silence … I hope MCV recognizes this and why!

The Vera 3 could help someone struggling with size problems that does not want to move up to Vera Edge/UI7.[/quote]

[quote=“Sundayfun, post:6, topic:188908”]MCV only needs to look at how quiet this entire board has become, how few apps are being created, once you lose creativity of the users it is hard to come back.

I can not beleive how hard of a time my friend had to install a Foscam camera to UI7. I understand that MCV can not write plugins for everything (they should try writing as many as they could though) but for a camera that is perhaps one of the most used for DIYers, I think the instalation should be seamless. I took a look at the plugins of HomeSeer pretty impressive, and I agree that people need to pay for plugins, (your PLEG plugin Richard is worth 10x what you charge). I really like that Homeseer has a proper working Russound plugin. The Russound plugin on the Vera app store right now is only for using the usb2serial port on Vera, not to use a ip2serial device.

Just my rant[/quote]

Cameras shouldn’t be added to Vera IMO. If that’s the first thing people do with a Home Automation controller they have the wrong idea of what home automation is and should have purchased a NVR/DVR. Those would be much more money and better built then a vera.

I tried homeseer in the past and I’m still here.

I beg to differ. Cameras play an important part in my home automation. As I can view my cameras from an App on my smart phone, I do like having my HA system control my cameras for certain scenes.

I am still here also, and would really hate to leave. However given that we now have a larger choice in HA systems MCV needs to start producing a quality product and not promises. When I bought my first Vera 1, there was very little DIY choice out there.

[quote=“integlikewhoa, post:7, topic:188908”][quote=“Sundayfun, post:6, topic:188908”]MCV only needs to look at how quiet this entire board has become, how few apps are being created, once you lose creativity of the users it is hard to come back.

I can not beleive how hard of a time my friend had to install a Foscam camera to UI7. I understand that MCV can not write plugins for everything (they should try writing as many as they could though) but for a camera that is perhaps one of the most used for DIYers, I think the instalation should be seamless. I took a look at the plugins of HomeSeer pretty impressive, and I agree that people need to pay for plugins, (your PLEG plugin Richard is worth 10x what you charge). I really like that Homeseer has a proper working Russound plugin. The Russound plugin on the Vera app store right now is only for using the usb2serial port on Vera, not to use a ip2serial device.

Just my rant[/quote]

Cameras shouldn’t be added to Vera IMO. If that’s the first thing people do with a Home Automation controller they have the wrong idea of what home automation is and should have purchased a NVR/DVR. Those would be much more money and better built then a vera.

I tried homeseer in the past and I’m still here.[/quote]

I’m a reletively new Vera user, just about 6 months now. I was ready to toos it in the trash for the first 3 weeks but things have settled down but I do plan to add some additional things including camera’s in the near future.

I think I see the handwriting on the wall with MCV and I don’t really wnat to be part of it should they go belly up at some point in the future. I see a lot of positive comments around HomeSeer and I actually have a lot of experience with a VERY old version of HS. However, I’m no longer a PC house so I need to find a Mac application to replace my VeraLite. Anyone have any experience with Indigo…?

I didn’t mean for this to become a discussion leaving Vera. I think it has it’s place, but for me, it no longer fits the bill.

Is anyone interested at all in purchasing my Veras? :smiley:

I don’t mean to sour the deal, but I bought my edges on Amazon for 133.00 and the Lites were 99.00 (103.00 today) on there. Antenna mod is 5.00 and voids warranty. Prices change weekly on amazon and other places also have the same or better deals. Warranty runs out and new one is better then a used one with warranty for the same price.

I never sold my Lites when I upgraded to Edges because they were worth more as a test or backup then anyone wanted to pay for a used VERA Lite.

Hopefully someone will make an offer but a two year old vera lite should not be priced 3.00 off what it currently is on amazon right now new.

I don’t mean to sour the deal, but I bought my edges on Amazon for 133.00 and the Lites were 99.00 (103.00 today) on there. Antenna mod is 5.00 and voids warranty. Prices change weekly on amazon and other places also have the same or better deals. Warranty runs out and new one is better then a used one with warranty for the same price.

I never sold my Lites when I upgraded to Edges because they were worth more as a test or backup then anyone wanted to pay for a used VERA Lite.

Hopefully someone will make an offer but a two year old vera lite should not be priced 3.00 off what it currently is on amazon right now new.[/quote]

Hence the OBO. If people are willing to make an offer, then I’m willing to listen. To be honest, I just checked ebay really quick to determine prices. I admit I may be off, just trying to give someone a deal. Maybe not as good of a deal as I thought.

I view my cameras in the same APP as VERA (Imperihome), but I can not view the previous recorded images, or change and adjust anything on the cameras like I can with a direct app (BlueIris app). Quality is also not nearly as good when you run them threw vera (single jpeg images a sec or so apart), nor do you have any option to adjust that threw vera.
So Altho I do view them in the same app sometimes its not really as good or practical. Some people think its faster…And that depends on what your doing.
If I want to pull my phone out and look at the cameras it takes me the same time from pulling out the phone to view either my HomeAutomation app or my camera app. I also go to my camera (blueiris) app first.

Useing cameras or motion in a scene. I also have this without the cameras being in vera. I use virtual motion sensor plugin with a child device for each camera. Camera senses motion and trips the virtual motion in vera which can be used in scenes (PLEG) in my case.

My smart phone (NOTE 5) has 4 gigs of ram and a 1.5ghz 8 (octa) core processor. VERA is very weak and not made to handle HD camera streams, recordings, playbacks or anything really labor intensive. Sure we can try and stuff it with that task, but don’t expect great results or not to have processing issues down the road.

This goes down the same road for people who think Vera is also an ALARM.

yep, agreed: Leave the cam streams out of Vera!!
Vera hardware has low end CPU specs geared towards non-heavy data streams. Running software video motion sensing is a great for proof of concept.

If I was head of engineering at MCV, I would focus at doing a few things real well to build on a solid stack instead of half way baked. Know where the Hw/Sw limits are and conquer from there.

The expectations are: Whatever great logic each user can build has to run reliably stable.
A lot of HA solutions out there are limited to manual remote controls and remote notifications - So thanks MCV and PLEG for pushing the envelope into smarter land.

Sent from my GT-P3110 using Tapatalk

@integlikewhoa - How do you do this? I am very interested. Do your cameras have motion sensors or are you using Blue Iris’ motion detection? (Which I think works well)

"I also have this without the cameras being in vera. I use virtual motion sensor plugin with a child device for each camera. Camera senses motion and trips the virtual motion in vera which can be used in scenes (PLEG) in my case. "

Interested in the Edge, but it was selling for $99 in August with free shipping. I doubt you will get anything near $125 for it.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

[quote=“wezley69, post:15, topic:188908”]@integlikewhoa - How do you do this? I am very interested. Do your cameras have motion sensors or are you using Blue Iris’ motion detection? (Which I think works well)

"I also have this without the cameras being in vera. I use virtual motion sensor plugin with a child device for each camera. Camera senses motion and trips the virtual motion in vera which can be used in scenes (PLEG) in my case. "[/quote]

Blue Iris motion alert is sending an http command to the virtual motions. More info in the virtual motion thread or maybe even in the blue iris thread, but I am NOT running the Blue Iris plugin in vera!

[quote=“Grwebster”]Interested in the Edge, but it was selling for $99 in August with free shipping. I doubt you will get anything near $125 for it.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk[/quote]
Pm me an offer and a zip code. Something is better than nothing!