Anyone want to assist a newbie with IR issues

Hi Guys, I have been playing with this since Christmas and have now come to try and get my iTach unit working, everything is ok and works well in test but I have the following issue.

When adding an IR device in UI4 I can select the type and manufacture and even test some codes but then Vera gives me an error like “luup unable to download files”

I got arround this but using some other files as templates and have created my own file for the particular amplifier I am using. This works about 95%.

Some of the entries in the I_ ***.xml file are not on the device list in SQ and when I assign 2 of these commands to a button in SQ the SQ decides to close and no output from iTach is given can you help please?

I replied in the other thread with an idea. I would suggest perhaps attaching the plugin and let us know which actions aren’t working also.

Hi Thank you for your reply.

Attached below is the I_txsr508.xml file I created.

The function missing from SQ is “Zone 2 Volume UP” and I can not see why.

The other issue is that “zone 2 Volume Down” and “zone 2 Mute” cause SQ to crash and close and I can not see why.

I will attache my D_txsr508.xml file to the next post.

Any help would be very much apreciated. try not to fall about laughin if there is anything obvious as this is my very first atempt :smiley:

D file as promised

I think I might have found my mistake.

I appear to have a S_Volume1.xml in my Luup files, that is incorrect.

Does anyone know how I go about deleting this file, there is only an option to view or download not delete.

If you have ssh access and you are comfortable with shell commands then you can log in and delete or rename them from /etc/cmh-ludl/
However I’m pretty sure that S_Volume1 is a standard file though and you may not want to delete it! Why did you suspect it was that? Or are you saying that you want to delete the reference to it from your plugin? If so then just edit it out from your plugin and then re-upload; it will replace the one you have.

Hi thanks for the reply, not quite sure what our sudden need for handbags is all about. I will ssh into my unit tonight and remove the offending file and upload a good one.

I would have thought (wrongly) that when you remove a plugin and delete a device in Vera that the redundant luup files would be removed.

It is this assumption that has caused mr to get to this position… There is a lesson there somewhere

Hi I am trying to SSH into my Vera 2

I have got the IP address and am using root as the User and the WiFi password but it will not let me in… says Authentication failed… any ideas anyone???

[quote=“smarttechnology, post:8, topic:167259”]Hi I am trying to SSH into my Vera 2

I have got the IP address and am using root as the User and the WiFi password but it will not let me in… says Authentication failed… any ideas anyone???[/quote]
Are you onsite, or have a way to remote into a local computer? I’m no expert here but I believe you can only get in from the local network

I am about as local as you get as it’s about 30cm from me.

I have tried all the passwords other people speak of, Mac address, Wifi, Unit ID etc.

Still access denied.

The default root password is the one written on the bottom of the unit, unless you’ve changed it. Tech Support can also reset it. I’ve called them and had them change it while I was on the call.