Anyone using Green-Home app for Ios?

Anyone out there using this app?
Tried a few and this seems like a decent one…though cant find any support for it.
Trying to figure out how to setup up push notifications and cant seem to get it…any help would be great.

[quote=“thewizard007, post:1, topic:183378”]Anyone out there using this app?
Tried a few and this seems like a decent one…though cant find any support for it.
Trying to figure out how to setup up push notifications and cant seem to get it…any help would be great.[/quote]

I have been a beta tester of this app from the start and it works great. Connects quicker than other apps, is easy to view and operate and the author has always been extremely responsive whenever I have asked questions or made suggestions. If it makes sense, he will incorporate your suggestions in subsequent releases. Highly recommend.

I am the author of the app. To create a push notification you need to tap the info icon on the device, select Push Notifications, and then click on Add a Push Notification. The same options that would appear from the Vera UI should appear on the app. For example, ‘A device is turned on or off’ for a light would be a trigger that you would select to be notified when the light is on or off.

Is push work for UI7?

I have not tested against UI7, only UI5 and UI6. I would be interested to know if it works in UI7.

I am using GreenHome against UI7.

Most of seems to work fine with a few exceptions:

  1. Both of my thermostats don’t seem to function properly. I can see their temperatures, but I can’t seem to change the temperatures, or their modes (fan or cool/heat/auto). The modes come up as question marks.
  2. The VirtualSwitch support doesn’t work (if you remember I asked you to implement this a while back) but this isn’t a UI7 thing. It had stopped working in UI5 too. It had a ERROR: Not Implemented error or something on those devices.

Past that it seems to work fine as far as I can see.


I’m still using the last beta 2.10, which was working great until I just upgraded from UI5 to UI7 by accident.The MIOS UI7 app is not really to my liking and GreenHome has been the best app thus far for my needs, but concerned about the UI7 not working remotely for me.

It seems to authenticate with the UI6+ authentication to find the vera and allow me to select it, but I cannot connect to it unless I have wifi enabled and I’ve populated the local IP address.

The Remote access section for server and backup both show “?” and the firmware revision is blank.

Is this fixed by chance in the current 2.11 release?

Just wanted to provide a quick update to say that I retested with the final version, 2.12, and it’s working well now, both remotely and locally. :slight_smile:

There are some problems with creating new scenes via the app with UI7, but I’ve filed a bug with the author.
