Amazing camera implementation

Just received my new LG G2 and figured testing AuthomationHD on it. Checking my IP camera’s my jaw dropped to the floor. I have a Wanscam JW0011 that although successfully added to Vera, I can’t get an image from. (dashboard shows only the filmstrip icon)

It’s working fine in Blue Iris with the default Foscam (no PTZ, no sound) driver.

What dropped my jaw? Authomation shows me the camera image for thsi camera, something I’ve not been able to get Vera, Imperihome, Homebuddy or RemoteVera to do.

Great job Garrett!!! Thank You!

I am glad to see that it is working. To make sure I have not broke anything in the coming releases, can you try the following link to make sure you can pull of the camera image of your Wanscam?


Where veraipAddress is your vera unit’s ip and deviceid is the device id of your Wanscam? This should be used in the current release in the play store, so this should be what you are already using. However, I just want to confirm that it is working.

  • Garrett

Tried the URL and it shows the camera image. Woohoo!

Note, Authomation only displays the image when I am home and on my network. If I am remote, then there is no picture.

BOFH - I currently have the same problem, and in AutHomation I cannot see the image from the camera (mine is a VistaCam PT with a VeraLite setup) when I am not at home and on my own network. Mobile data networks (3G and 4G) and public/private WiFi networks (office, coffee shops) do not show the camera image.

Do you know if there is a fix for this?

Otherwise, it’s a great app and I like it very much.