INTRODUCTION to this plugin
read here
Version History
V 1.55.1680
V 1.52.1665
V 1.52.1660
V 1.51.1655
[glow=red,2,300]message not updated any more, it is superceeded by the Misc / Evolutions page inside the application itself[/glow]
Check latest release at the last message of this thread , or directly into the ALTUI application in the MISC/Evolutions page
V 1.38.1531
[ul][li]No Room selection in multiselect button in device and scene pages[/li]
[li]new OS Command button to quickly see errors and warnings in Lua Log[/li]
[li]change of logo[/li]
[li]Adjust of button size in Room page[/li][/ul]
V 1.37.1518
[ul][li]New menu item for check of newer versions[/li]
[li]New license page with paypal ordering[/li]
[li]Improve paypal submit to automatically indicate the footer user name[/li]
[li]Improve footer display to avoid flickering[/li]
[li]auto update reserved to registered users or for critical updates[/li][/ul]
V 1.37.1504
[ul][li]Auto update working even in remote access / https[/li][/ul]
V 1.37.1498
[ul][li]bugfix for workflow timers[/li]
[li]less agressive parallelism for workflow and custom page saving[/li]
[li]Recorder for scene/workflows[/li][/ul]
V 1.35.1479
[ul][li]Improvement of workflow scene saving[/li]
[li]Sanitizing workflows against bad deviceids[/li]
[li]Javascript performance optimization[/li]
[li]Improve scene active status display ( keep the last status )[/li]
[li]Fully support house mode for scheduled workflow transitions so that you can restrict it per mode like you do for scenes[/li]
[li]bugfix: no display of JS tabs when ALTUI plugin and UIx plugin are in the same JS file[/li][/ul]
V 1.35.1461
[ul][li]bugfix: empty ServerOptions[/li]
[li]bugfix api.getRoomObject[/li]
[li]bugfix History & workflow status refresh when one ajax call fails[/li]
[li]add TriggerOnly flag to workflow conditions[/li]
[li]Capitalize headers in HTMLUtils.array2Table() tables[/li]
[li]Improve workflow LUA loggin in non debug mode[/li]
[li]workflow transition evaluation is (schedule) OR (timer) OR ( All conditions ) are true[/li]
[li]Branding adjustments[/li][/ul]
[ul][li]Workflow import/export[/li]
[li]Display scene active status[/li]
[li]State action parameters can make use of Bag Variables[/li]
[li]Adjust custom page slider size and position[/li]
[li]bugfix: Showing zwave configuration parameters screen even when no parameters are set[/li]
[li]Edit button for Link Conditions[/li]
[li]Edit button for Link State Actions[/li]
[li]bugfix : clean up link delete in case of a state delete which uses that link[/li]
[li]OnEnterLua and OnExistLua capability for workflow states[/li]
[li]Display lua onenter onexit code in workflow report[/li]
[li]Concept of Workflow “Bag” of variables that are persistent across the workflow execution[/li]
[li]Workflow reset button on the workflow page[/li]
[li]resetWorkflow resets variables Bag[/li][/ul]
V 1.32.1422
[ul][li]bugfix: enable workflow to start immediately after saving[/li]
[li]bugfix: optimize memory used at time of ALTUI home page opening[/li]
[li]Scrollers in custom pages[/li]
[li]bugfix of alignment tools in custom pages[/li]
[li]House mode plugin cosmetic display[/li][/ul]
V 1.30.1406
[ul][li]New widget on custom page to distribute horizontally and vertically the selected widgets[/li]
[li]Gauge in custom panels can be inverted like Red Yellow Green instead of Green Yellow Red[/li]
[li]Custom page Save button in more obvious in RED and at the top level in the toolbar[/li]
[li]use of a Template to customize the display of variables in the custom pages[/li]
[li]display timestamps as readable date in custom pages[/li]
[li]Help button on dialog box is more effective[/li]
[li]Fix scene search code for workflow scheduled transition[/li]
[li]remove the extraneous required attribute for action parameters in dialog box[/li]
[li]Display state and transition IDs in the workflow report[/li]
[li]fix the extra quote for request_image display url[/li][/ul]
V 1.30.1394
[ul][li]Scene: Clone of scene including clone of watches[/li]
[li]Workflow: improve lua logs[/li]
[li]Workflow: Enable workflow scheduled transitions based on same scheduling abilities as Scenes[/li]
[li]Workflow: LUA driver: fixed timers and scheduled transitions[/li]
[li]Workflow: LUA driver: Reset button resets timers and workflows[/li]
[li]bugfix: setDeviceStateVariablePersistent onSuccess[/li]
[li]bugFix: workflow save button status[/li][/ul]
V 1.29.1381
[ul][li]bugfix: timer and workflow status refresh[/li]
[li]bugfix: workflow history display[/li]
[li]bugfix: prevent empty conditions in workflow[/li]
[li]Pause individual workflow feature[/li]
[li]new UPNP call to reset a workflow to Start state. resetWorkflow( altuiid )[/li]
[li]watch expression evaluation protected by pcall() to avoid luup crashes[/li]
[li]bugfix: force Timer name and duration to be filled in together[/li][/ul]
V 1.28.1369
[ul][li]Workflow editor : improved label positioning UI[/li]
[li]Workflow history feature: table showing states & transitions which happened[/li]
[li]Workflow area resize and scrolling if needed[/li]
[li]bugfix in plugin pages: (updates were not working anymore)[/li][/ul]
[ul][li]Fix a potential no Handler issue[/li]
[li]Saving workflows triggers a reload in the backend[/li]
[li]delete Icon to empty a device variable[/li]
[li]UIx api contributions from cybermag[/li]
[li]Only display workflow JSON when saving in DEBUG mode[/li]
[li]Confirm delete dialog before deleting a transition[/li]
[li]Sanitize workflow data structure against bad device numbers[/li][/ul]
V 1.25.1349
[ul][li]Blockly editor for editing workflow transition expressions[/li]
[li]New Workflow report feature to see a complete texual report of a workflow definition [/li]
[li]Holiday plugin dashboard display update[/li][/ul]
V 1.24.1340
[ul][li]Workflow Start state supports conditions like a link. Any matched condition will bring back the workflow to the start state[/li]
[li]OnEnter OnExit actions of a state can also be running a scene now[/li][/ul]
[ul][li]Support for dynamic Icons / Hue2 - Cybrmage[/li]
[li]Small speech recognition update for french[/li]
[li]Enable workflow transitions to have both conditions and a timer[/li]
[li]Clickable lua expressions (for edit) for workflow transitions[/li]
[li]Movable link lables on the workflow graph editor[/li]
[li]Fix jointjs script loading for remote access[/li]
[li]Enable device zigbee BT zwave filter to not be mutually exclusives[/li][/ul]
V 1.22.1320
[ul][li]Persistent workflow state after a reload/reboot[/li]
[li]Persistent timers after a reload/reboot[/li]
[li]Disabling workflow mode reset all workflows to start state and no pending timers[/li]
[li]Display of active state name in the workflow box[/li]
[li]Enabling saving a single workflow[/li]
[li]Zigbee and BT devices filter[/li][/ul]
V 1.19.1301
[ul][li]IFrame in custom page can have a relative url[/li]
[li]donotdelete device feature when HideDeleteButton is ==1[/li]
[li]Improve device draw error catch display[/li]
[li]Fix missing scripts in local mode[/li]
[li]Click on generic table shows a form with all details[/li]
[li]Add Jointjs on credit page[/li]
[li]fix css to avoid white border on custom page widget editor[/li][/ul]
V 1.19.1288
[ul][li]IE 11 fix in verabox.js[/li]
[li]Fix in Lua for lul_device in DataStorageProvider notification[/li]
[li]Logical Workflows : Proof of Concept: only UI is fonctional[/li]
[li]Run Scene button active from the scene editor screen[/li]
[li]Fix BLockly device block to support “No Room” option[/li]
[li]New ALTUI device setting / option / UPNP action to enable (or not ) the workflow mode.[/li]
[li]Fix for Display Watches display page[/li]
[li]New Pretty() lua function - akboer[/li]
[li]Use of ACE editor in various places and add copy to clipboard buttons[/li]
[li]Resizable ACE editor windows[/li][/ul]
V 1.17.1264
[ul][li]ACE Editor for Scene lua code[/li]
[li]Bugfix for Plugin GetFile API impacting plugin page[/li]
[li]Bugfix for scene decoder to protect against bad device ID[/li]
[li]ACE Editor theme option[/li]
[li]ACE Editor font size option[/li]
[li]zWave device display filter[/li][/ul]
V 1.17.1250
[ul][li]resizable , syntax colored editor (ACE) for LUA editors. (thx vosmont)[/li]
[li]Support for urn:antor-fr:device HVAC_ZoneThermostat, bug with displays, could also improve other thermostats[/li]
[li]support for Combination Plugin. Plugin gives AND/OR and nice boolean condition capabilities but was not displaying properly in ALTUI[/li]
[li]Show controller of plugins in plugin page, useful for multicontroller setup configurations[/li]
[li]Reset button on UI7 page triggers a config reset to default and a LUUP reload. useful since there is no easy way to reload from the UI7 anymore[/li][/ul]
V 1.15.1237
[ul][li]Speech recognition on supporting HTML5 browsers[/li]
[li]new pretty lua function - akboer[/li]
[li]Project ALTUIBox for backend (nodejs backend GitHub - amg0/ALTUI: Enhancement Interface for VERA home automation system)[/li]
[li]adding device name in DataProvider Push notifications callback[/li]
[li]Icons request on the same port as the one of the main controller url (openLuup)[/li][/ul]
V 1.13.1213
[ul][li]fix gauge display in custom pages[/li]
[li]add ability to click on Icon widget : you can launch a scene or an action on the device of the icon[/li]
[li]add display as Icon capability to the OnOff Power button on custom pages so it displays as the device icon instead of the onoff button[/li][/ul]
V 1.12.1191
[ul][li]Cosmetic in variable push graphic page[/li]
[li]Cameras in custom page support an alert trigger ( device, variable, value ) which when true, display the camera in alert mode ( dialog on top of the custom page )[/li][/ul]
V 1.12.1184
[ul][li]Room filter button color fix: the button was staying “blue” sometimes[/li]
[li]Dimmer slider width fix : if the first device on the page was a dimmer , its dimmer scale was very short[/li]
[li]Refresh button for variable graph page to force a drawing refresh[/li][/ul]