ALTUI : New Features Suggestions

Thread for ALTUI new features suggestions

A couple of things:

[ul][li]The “+Trigger” button: on a device control panel should, perhaps, be “+Notifications”. Maybe also greyed out if that device does not have any possible notifications to create?[/li]
[li]The scenes menu drop down: requires two clicks to get to scenes (which are much more common to examine than triggers?) Perhaps make it all one “accordion” style page with Scenes normally expanded and “Triggers” normally collapsed below ?[/li][/ul]

Just some minor thoughts - I"m sure others will have more substantive ones.

I was looking at the description page but although I am trilingual, French is not one of the languages I am fluent in. Is there an English version, German or Dutch version of those pages? As this looks extremely interesting and the ability to hook up my Ui5 and Ui7 Vera’s though 1 web interface would make my life very easy.

Thanks for what looks like a superb effort.

[quote=“BOFH, post:3, topic:188330”]I was looking at the description page but although I am trilingual, French is not one of the languages I am fluent in. Is there an English version, German or Dutch version of those pages? As this looks extremely interesting and the ability to hook up my Ui5 and Ui7 Vera’s though 1 web interface would make my life very easy.

Thanks for what looks like a superb effort.[/quote]

Hello BOFH, have you tried the PDF ? it could be slightly outdated but should already give a good overview.

Cool! Thank you! I tried to have Google translate your page but that made as much sense as one of those manuals you find with one of those no name Made in China products. :slight_smile:

[quote=“akbooer, post:2, topic:188330”]A couple of things:

[ul][li]The “+Trigger” button: on a device control panel should, perhaps, be “+Notifications”. Maybe also greyed out if that device does not have any possible notifications to create?[/li]
[li]The scenes menu drop down: requires two clicks to get to scenes (which are much more common to examine than triggers?) Perhaps make it all one “accordion” style page with Scenes normally expanded and “Triggers” normally collapsed below ?[/li][/ul]

Just some minor thoughts - I"m sure others will have more substantive ones.[/quote]
thank you, it is in V596

On the custom/user pages, it would be awesome to be able to draw a line, or a box. Better still to be able to define a color for a line/box, and a background color for a box. These would always be behind other controls. So the controls can be placed in/on on the box.

In the Lua section of the Misc menu:

Have a check that looks for json encode/decode Lua code in /usr/lib/lua Examples of files that may be found:

json-dm.lua (dataMine)
json.lua (OWserver)
dkjson.lua (installed by UI7 and looked for by UI5)

and there may be others. Suggest checking for any file names that end in “.lua” and also contain the string “json”. I was going to put this in the infoviewer plugin but haven’t got around to it.

[quote=“a-lurker, post:8, topic:188330”]In the Lua section of the Misc menu:

Have a check that looks for json encode/decode Lua code in /usr/lib/lua Examples of files that may be found:

json-dm.lua (dataMine)
json.lua (OWserver)
dkjson.lua (installed by UI7 and looked for by UI5)

and there may be others. Suggest checking for any file names that end in “.lua” and also contain the string “json”. I was going to put this in the infoviewer plugin but haven’t got around to it.[/quote]

I suppose you mean searching the files by names on the VERA hard drive ? for instance, you can create a custom OS command in the menu MISC / OS command. here is a screen shot

Excellent - that works well - thanks. You may want to consider if it should be part of the defaults. Lots of users have trouble with plugins that don’t have the associated JSON file installed.

ok, will be in next release

Another one I thought of for the custom pages is a function object. As in f(n). Like for example, if you want to display a *nix style date or time you can select the device and variable, then the f(n)–say convert to date, time, or date/time.

Thanks! --David

[quote=“dklinkman, post:12, topic:188330”]Another one I thought of for the custom pages is a function object. As in f(n). Like for example, if you want to display a *nix style date or time you can select the device and variable, then the f(n)–say convert to date, time, or date/time.

Thanks! --David[/quote]

interesting thoughts. could be an extension to the variable tool with an optional function, but would be a javascript function that would be evaluated() using the JS engine. maybe a template like “return parseInt({0})*2+1” where {0} would be the variable value
 will toy around with that idea

On the Edit Scene page, would it be possible/desirable to indicate the following on their respective (closed) headers:

[ul][li]Header: “All” or a list of the modes enabled eg. “Home, Night”[/li]
[li]Triggers, Timers, Actions: the number of defined items in each[/li]
[li]Lua: whether or not there’s any code present[/li][/ul]

That way, without any clicking to collapse/expand, you have a quick understanding of the contents / complexity of the scene.

[quote=“akbooer, post:14, topic:188330”]On the Edit Scene page, would it be possible/desirable to indicate the following on their respective (closed) headers:

[ul][li]Header: “All” or a list of the modes enabled eg. “Home, Night”[/li]
[li]Triggers, Timers, Actions: the number of defined items in each[/li]
[li]Lua: whether or not there’s any code present[/li][/ul]

That way, without any clicking to collapse/expand, you have a quick understanding of the contents / complexity of the scene.[/quote]
good idea

good one, I have it in the next version.

good one, I have it in the next version.[/quote]
Pretty cool. Thanks!!

Virtual devices : Buttons for On/Off
PLEG devices : Buttons for Arm/Bypass
EVL3 devices: Buttons for ‘Arm Mode’
Thermostat devices : Buttons for temp change Up/Down & Fan modes - On/Auto/Cycle

[quote=“Aaron, post:18, topic:188330”]Virtual devices : Buttons for On/Off
PLEG devices : Buttons for Arm/Bypass
EVL3 devices: Buttons for ‘Arm Mode’
Thermostat devices : Buttons for temp change Up/Down & Fan modes - On/Auto/Cycle[/quote]

Anybody wants to do some of that ? it is not that hard to add a small display plugin into ALTUI and I can incorporate it in the distribution after.
otherwise, could you confirm the device type for EVL3 or virtual devices ?
regarding thermostat, maybe we have a pb of real estate , any idea / diagram on how it could look like ?
thx !

[quote=“amg0, post:19, topic:188330”][quote=“Aaron, post:18, topic:188330”]Virtual devices : Buttons for On/Off
PLEG devices : Buttons for Arm/Bypass
EVL3 devices: Buttons for ‘Arm Mode’
Thermostat devices : Buttons for temp change Up/Down & Fan modes - On/Auto/Cycle[/quote]

Anybody wants to do some of that ? it is not that hard to add a small display plugin into ALTUI and I can incorporate it in the distribution after.
otherwise, could you confirm the device type for EVL3 or virtual devices ?
regarding thermostat, maybe we have a pb of real estate , any idea / diagram on how it could look like ?
thx ![/quote]

Hi amg0,

My idea would be the 4 temps in a row on one line. The second line would have red and blue up/down arrows (side by side) under the appropriate line above for heat and cool. My opinion is to have the other buttons fill in on each side.


On/Off |UpDn|UpDn|Auto(dynamic 1 button, click on/click off, change button to reflect name/mode).