ALTUI evolutions / bootstrap 4

just a note that ALTUI will gradually evolve to bootstrap 4.0 and therefore drop support for IE9.
any develpoper who made ALTUI plugins or use ALTUI UI should anticipate also that migration. it will not happen overtime as it is quite complex for ALTUI ( lots ! of code to migrate ) but I wanted to let people know in advance

[size=12pt]Call for beta testers[/size]

I am looking for people willing to try ALTUI v2.0 beta ! the version is on GitHub GitHub - amg0/ALTUI: Enhancement Interface for VERA home automation system
it is 95% functional and there is no real risk, you can allways come back to older version

please report issues in that thread.

Known issues:

  • no theme support yet. bootswatch themes are based on bootstrap 3.3.7 so it wont work with bootstrap4. so try it without any theme or build your own bootstrap 4.0 theme

  • table component used for table devices/variables etc does not support bootstrap4 so there are some costmetics issues but it is functional

  • devices which implemented a ALTUI user interface and which are based on bootstrap ( like Rules engine plugin ) may experience some user interface issues

  • icons may have changed, bootstrap 3.3.7 included a set of glyph icons, now with bootstrap 4.0 I need to use an external library for icons ( font awesome )

  • IE<=10 are not supported any more


  • various bug fixes
  • some UI improvements here and there as part of the migration I did some cleanup
  • nicer/better UI for mobile
  • all future versions of ALTUI will be based on this version so it is the fundation for the future

Ooh, that looks different! Looks a bit cleaner and neater.

First impressions - almost all cosmetic details.

[ul][li]The colours of the (default) skin that I’m using seem too bight, too saturated.[/li]
[li]Menu bar is left justified (maybe that’s how you want it?)[/li]
[li]seems to use the full width of the display (which looks very widely spread when on a full-size monitor)[/li]
[li]parent/child network, however, seems all squeezed up in the middle of empty space[/li]
[li]variables being pushed are not highlighted on the variables display[/li]
[li]graph width for variable plots is too narrow[/li]
[li]Misc > “LuaStart” …seems less clear than previous ?Lua Startup code" ?[/li]
[li]ditto LuaTest ?[/li][/ul]

I’ve not broken anything yet.

[quote=“akbooer, post:3, topic:197196”]Ooh, that looks different! Looks a bit cleaner and neater.

First impressions - almost all cosmetic details.

[ul][li]The colours of the (default) skin that I’m using seem too bight, too saturated.[/li]
[li]Menu bar is left justified (maybe that’s how you want it?)[/li]
[li]seems to use the full width of the display (which looks very widely spread when on a full-size monitor)[/li]
[li]parent/child network, however, seems all squeezed up in the middle of empty space[/li]
[li]variables being pushed are not highlighted on the variables display[/li]
[li]graph width for variable plots is too narrow[/li]
[li]Misc > “LuaStart” …seems less clear than previous ?Lua Startup code" ?[/li]
[li]ditto LuaTest ?[/li][/ul]

I’ve not broken anything yet.[/quote]

the following issues are fixed I hope

  • variables being pushed are not highlighted on the variables display
  • graph width for variable plots is too narrow
  • Misc > “LuaStart” …seems less clear than previous ?Lua Startup code" ?
  • ditto LuaTest ?

would you have screen shot or more explanations about the other issues ?
thank you

Anybody has tried ? I think I have finished the porting worknow. I fix the issues with the tables. but I am sure there are things I have not seen you

thank you for trying the beta on GitHub - amg0/ALTUI: Enhancement Interface for VERA home automation system , Master version

I notice that (on openLuup at least, not tried Vera) if I do a restart, and try to refresh the AltUI window, it just hangs. I have to close the window and reopen another one before it shows me anything. Is this a likely side-effect of your changes?

I do not think so but who knows; of course if you force a refresh while the restart is not yet performed it will fail to load necessary files to may hang. check out the network page inside Chrome debugger to see what is going on ( which script is not loading for instance )

How do I install the beta on OpenLuup?

you can use the AltAppStore plugin which will enable you to install the ‘master’ github version

alternatively you download the github ZIP file and you put these file at the right place on your openluup setup

you can use the AltAppStore plugin which will enable you to install the ‘master’ github version

alternatively you download the github ZIP file and you put these file at the right place on your openluup setup[/quote]

Or, indeed, just click the Update button (not the checkbox) against AltUI on the Plugins page.

It will update from the master branch, which has the latest.

I tried both suggestions, after luup reload altui bottom sticky still shows 1.91b.
on the plugins page the text next to altui icon indicates 1.99b.

Your openluup setup is somehow confused. You should check with akbooer

you have phrased that quite nicely

[quote=“pls90, post:11, topic:197196”]I tried both suggestions, after luup reload altui bottom sticky still shows 1.91b.
on the plugins page the text next to altui icon indicates 1.99b.

Have you refreshed your browser page?

I did a refresh multiple times.
Living with Vera this becomes second nature ;D

Close the window and open a completely new one?

[quote=“pls90, post:11, topic:197196”]… after luup reload altui bottom sticky still shows 1.91b.
on the plugins page the text next to altui icon indicates 1.99b.[/quote]

I’ve just updated my RPi (by simply pressing the Update button on the Plugins page).

AltUI footer shows: [tt]AltUI v1.91beta.2143[/tt]
Plugin page shows: [tt]Github.master[/tt]

This is all as it should be.

The fact that your plugins page says something different indicates that the update was not done from the master repository. Suggest you try again.


Just installed this latest version (v1.93.2151) on openLuup and it looks smart. Most things look very nice, except the Harmony Hub and Multi Switch. The default button size looks too high to fit two rows of buttons in the display area of the device. It seems to look better when I add to CSS .altui-multiswitch-open and .altui-multiswitch-container .row, padding-bottom:0px; line-height: 1.1; font-size: .8rem; Same for .altui-harmony

BTW, same thing with thermostats (D_Heater1.xml). From bootstrap.css the height of 22px gets overwritten: select.form-control-sm:not([size]):not([multiple]) height: calc(1.8125rem + 2px);

Both with just a quick test on Firefox on a PC and Chrome on Adriod, so not solid testing.

Minor cosmetic item on the battery level add a radius to match other shapes. CSS : div.altui-battery .progress-bar, add : border-radius: .25rem;

BTW, I’ll also have a look at the Dutch translations again soon.

Cheers Rene

[quote=“reneboer, post:18, topic:197196”]Hi,

Just installed this latest version (v1.93.2151) on openLuup and it looks smart. Most things look very nice, except the Harmony Hub and Multi Switch. The default button size looks too high to fit two rows of buttons in the display area of the device. It seems to look better when I add to CSS .altui-multiswitch-open and .altui-multiswitch-container .row, padding-bottom:0px; line-height: 1.1; font-size: .8rem; Same for .altui-harmony

BTW, same thing with thermostats (D_Heater1.xml). From bootstrap.css the height of 22px gets overwritten: select.form-control-sm:not([size]):not([multiple]) height: calc(1.8125rem + 2px);

Both with just a quick test on Firefox on a PC and Chrome on Adriod, so not solid testing.

Minor cosmetic item on the battery level add a radius to match other shapes. CSS : div.altui-battery .progress-bar, add : border-radius: .25rem;

BTW, I’ll also have a look at the Dutch translations again soon.

Cheers Rene[/quote]

thank you , I have hopefully addressed most of these. except the harmony ones ( no device to test / will try later )

Hi amg0,

Let me know once you have the new version published and i’ll PM you the change for the Harmony plug in. It should look similar so you can also make the same change and I’ll test it and let you know.

Cheers Rene