Alternative to Schlage Link

Hey Guys,

It looks like everyone is talking about the Schlage Link. I don’t particularly link the idea of the keypad right on the door…

Has anyone looked into the idea of electric strike plates and/or electric deadbolts controlled by a Z-Wave device? With this setup, an owner could decide to put an exterior keypad in a more aesthetically pleasing place or omit it entirely. In either case, the door could be deadbolted from bed.

I have to admit though, I am really more concerned about the looks. :stuck_out_tongue:

Electric Door Strike

Electric Dead Bolt

Z-Wave Control
I haven’t found appropriate z-wave “switch” type device but I suppose something like the Wayne Dalton Garage control would work or possible this isolated contact relay.

I am not really sure what I am talking about in this area though! Can someone smarter than I set me straight! ;D

Hi All:

Great info on this thread. I just bought a ZRF113 and for the life of me, I can’t include it or get Vera to recognize the device. Any suggestions or can someone point me to the steps to get this into my vera network?

Also, if there is luup code that can be added to simulate the momentary action, that would be great too as in it’s generic state, the relay must be toggled on or off.


did you try an uninstall of the switch then an install.
There is no special Zwave commands for this device.

Sometimes during manufature the device is not unistalled after testing. With all zwave devices you should do a uninstall prior to an install. That way you are sure of a good install.
hope this works for you.

if there is luup code that can be added to simulate the momentary action

something like this… (untested!)

function momentary_set (service, variable, value, device, duration)
    local prev_val = luup.variable_get(service, variable, device)
    local packed = ("%s|%s|%s|%s"):format (service, variable, prev_val, device)
    luup.variable_set (service, variable, value, device)
    luup.call_delay ("resetter", duration, packed)

function resetter (packed)
    local _,_,service, variable, prev_val, device = packed:find ("^(.-)|(.-)|(.-)|(.-)$")
    luup.variable_set (service, variable, prev_val, device)

to use, call momentary_set() just like luup.variable_set(), but with a ‘duration’ parameter in seconds.

@Mammalian04 I completely agree with your post, and I have done some research on the subject (albiet a long time ago). I think I decided to try the Schlage first and I have to admit it has grown on me. But I don’t have the nicest front door and I could understand some objection to having a keypad on a high end front door. While there are advantages to the Schlage or Kwikset, like being able to assign codes, etc.

I was hesitant to use the strike plate idea, just because of the amount of wood that I would need to remove to recess the mechanism in the door jamb. Also I believe it would involve cutting into the interior moulding around the door in the lock area, because the lock’ bolt isn’t retracted so there has to be material removed equal to the depth of the lock’s bolt.

You might consider using one of the cheaper deadbolts (finishes and styles are limited) that comes with a key fob and using a Z-Wave relay (or appliance module triggering an ice cube relay) to either trigger the key fob or trigger the lock in some other way. Then you’d be with out the keypad and this seems like the best alternative…

I even thought of putting the Schlage in the door jamb and not in the door (major woodwork), this would at least get the keypad off of the door, but the wife wouldn’t go for it, lol.


Thanks for all of the advice. ZMistro, I followed your advice and I’m up and running with the ZRF113 on my garage door. On the Momentary action, I kind of cheated by creating a scene which, when there is an “on” event received from the device, an “off” command is generated for the same device. There seems to be enough of a delay that this works. Then again, my vera isn’t that busy, but for now, I have a little more time to figure out luup code. Thanks again!!


This was an interesting door lock project I just stumbled upon: