Alternate UI to UI7

I have disabled the remote access login pages for now until I find a hosting that HTTPS based ( for security reason )

This is the opportunity for me to ask for help : who would know / or have and willing to share a HTTPS web server with PHP ? I would need to host on it to host 2 pages on it ( attached )

I uploaded version 276 and it looks great now!
I will test tonight and let yuo know if I find any other bugs…


Revision 285

[ul][li]Battery level Display[/li]
[li]Filtering capability on device display page ( per invisible, category, or battery ). cf attached screens or PDF doc[/li]
[li]Event Trigger in LUA ( was a UI5 feature, removed from UI7, back with ALTUI )[/li]
[li]Lua test code page[/li][/ul]

Warning : remote access is working but I disabled it until I find a solution to host the PHP pages on a HTTPS server. any proposal welcome. I have tested it a working on a Amazon EC2 private instance in https so I know it works and it does display ALL custom icons of All plugins!

FILES: in AltUI folder from

It would be nice if MCV offered you a contract position to adopt this as the official UI. You’ve made AltUI pleasant and enjoyable vs UI7 looking more like an idea or rough sketch.

As you move forward, consider future opportunities to add skins and a user ability to add custom device graphics/icons.

Great work! Thank you for your time and effort.

Hey @amg0,

Do you require a specific domain or would any domain work? I have a wildcard SSL where - assuming the traffic isn’t too enormous - I could possibly put this up. Assuming you won’t mind the fact that the domain name would have nothing obvious related to Vera, of course.

Thank you. Yes I am “thinking” about custom panels/pages & backgrounds. in terms of skins it should be ok as well but need to think about it. I stayed very close to bootstrap only so a bootstrap theme would work. just need to make sure we have a way to load this bootstrap CSS theme instead of the default one.

Regarding custom graphics & icons, it is not that user friendly but at least the configuration is fully dynamic ( variable in the LUA plugin, see settings ). Here, for a given “device type”, you can declare your own javascript file & javascript function and can draw the “small” device box and the full control panel anyway you want. pure JS code, no JSON files etc like in vera. this is how I did the display of 2 of my custom plugins ( IPhoneLocator & CPLUS ) which have a different/custom display compared to other

[quote=“sjolshagen, post:85, topic:185570”]Hey @amg0,
Do you require a specific domain or would any domain work? I have a wildcard SSL where - assuming the traffic isn’t too enormous - I could possibly put this up. Assuming you won’t mind the fact that the domain name would have nothing obvious related to Vera, of course.[/quote]
Hi Sjolshagen,
no I do not mind at all. it would be great !

would be useful for people to see it working and especially see that any custom plugin icons is displayed, contrarely to what UI7 is doing.
so it would be great.

only these 2 files ( in the .zip ) are needed on a https server, you need PHP5 & the CURL extension which is by default normally, ( not tested on PHP4, no DB needed ) . I have these 2 files working fine on a Amazon EC2 test machine so it should be working ok

I asked mcv.andrei & Colin to host on Vera, but did not yet receive a feedback so your proposal might be our best chance so far

Seems to be up and running now:

Seems to be up and running now:[/quote]
Fantastic, thx so much. this is “experimental” so there are no service level agreements on it :slight_smile: just let us know if you run into trouble. I appreciate the help !!!

3 hints for you & other users:

  1. it does take 2mn to get the initial data load and I really do not know why… once that delay is passed, you do enjoy the UI and the custom & dynamic icons … this is not a hard coded cache, meaning new icons on your VERA box will appear. nothing to update on this web server

  2. once you managed to get it running and can go into device pages a bit etc, then go to “More”/ Optimization / and click on save IconDB, save FileDB. explanation : it stores in HTML local storage the downloaded static files & icons. this storage remains purely on your local client machine and can be removed easily. it will avoid redownloading icons & files next time so , ( still after the 2 minutes ) it will show up things very fast. You would only need to reset & clear you iconDB & fileDB if you change something significant on your box like adding / upgrading a plugin or a vera firmware

  3. the LUA plugin has a variable called “RemoteAcces”. change it to “

Seems to be up and running now:[/quote]
Fantastic, thx so much. this is “experimental” so there are no service level agreements on it :slight_smile: just let us know if you run into trouble. I appreciate the help !!!

3 hints for you & other users:

  1. it does take 2mn to get the initial data load and I really do not know why… once that delay is passed, you do enjoy the UI and the custom & dynamic icons … this is not a hard coded cache, meaning new icons on your VERA box will appear. nothing to update on this web server

  2. once you managed to get it running and can go into device pages a bit etc, then go to “More”/ Optimization / and click on save IconDB, save FileDB. explanation : it stores in HTML local storage the downloaded static files & icons. this storage remains purely on your local client machine and can be removed easily. it will avoid redownloading icons & files next time so , ( still after the 2 minutes ) it will show up things very fast. You would only need to reset & clear you iconDB & fileDB if you change something significant on your box like adding / upgrading a plugin or a vera firmware

  3. the LUA plugin has a variable called “RemoteAcces”. change it to “”[/quote]

Forgot to mention that altui works on ui5 and ui7 but this remote access is ui7/MMS only.

Revision 293

[ul][li]Control Panel function. it reads the JSON files from the VERA box and implements a control panel that is similar ( close ) to the one the plugin author had created in his JSON file. this is not fully functional yet. you can press button and it triggers actions but UI does not refresh. multi state button not functional yet. Very touchy code and this is where you see VERA developpers have not been consistent so javascript crashes are possible ( many exceptions to deal with ). Check the console ![/li]
[li]vertical slider control (thermostat UI5) implented with jquery UI slider[/li]
[li]control panel screen shows device attributes with a toggle button[/li]
[li]Device Room change possible from control panel screen[/li][/ul]

Warning : remote access is now ok thanks to Sjolshagen’s site.

FILES: in AltUI folder from

This looks VERY promising !!!
From what I see it looks MUTCH better than ui7.
I tried ui6 and ui7 from the first days and went back to ui5 in october.
I am looking forward to this and will follow closly.
GREAT JOB amgO !!!

Revision 301

[ul][li]Compatibility improvement of control panels. I tested on the couple of plugin I have ( mines + infoviewer ). most are ok. please report issues and use the DEBUG button to get the json on the control panel screen[/li]
[li]Fully interactive control panel, button are active and UI refreshes[/li]
[li]Slider control[/li]
[li]PDF file updated with new screen shots[/li][/ul]

Note remote access is now ok thanks to Sjolshagen’s site.

[glow=red,2,300]IMPORTANT[/glow]: to see control panel you need to go into the LUA device settings in VERA, open Settings, click on the “Default Configuration” button, wait 5sec, close, restart LUA, refresh browser.

FILES: in AltUI folder from

Sounds extremely promising! I’ll install this and give it a try…

However, I do have a concern about that remote access solution. Are usernames/passwords in any way logged?

[quote=“Brighters, post:94, topic:185570”]Sounds extremely promising! I’ll install this and give it a try…

However, I do have a concern about that remote access solution. Are usernames/passwords in any way logged?[/quote]

should not be concerned it is https encrypted and username / pwd are not logged at least, not by me. :slight_smile: maybe Vera does

Revision 303

releasing this one fast, as it brings something interesting… a filter as you type. I updated the PDF screen shot file

[ul][li]real time filter by name on device. see attached file[/li][/ul]

FILES: in AltUI folder from

Nor by me (as the guy currently paying for the server instance/SSL).

Nor by me (as the guy currently paying for the server instance/SSL).[/quote]

:slight_smile: !
as a “thank you”, rev 307 supports device variable edit

Looking forward to the app release !
From the few pictures I have seen it looks like it is mutch better than ui7 and besides it solves some other problems e.g. thermostats.
Does it work with android, and from witch firmware ?
Good luck !

[quote=“svaleb, post:99, topic:185570”]Looking forward to the app release !
From the few pictures I have seen it looks like it is mutch better than ui7 and besides it solves some other problems e.g. thermostats.
Does it work with android, and from witch firmware ?
Good luck !

it is browser based and works on ipad, iphone. did not try android but should work on stock browser, or at least from chrome android browser. I use bootstrap & jquery 1.9 so normally these 2 supports these browsers.