Alt UI uses other user on dashboard

I just started to use the Alternate UI and the first thing I noticed is that it uses my added “other” user when it tells me that it is unregistered.
When I check the Vera user list, only the secondary user account is in the list but the main user is available for scene notifications.

Is this a bug or did I miss how to change the main user in Alternate UI?

Altui just need a unique user name and it gets it from the list of users declared on your VERA. it actually takes the very first one on the table so it is a little bit undeterministic which one it ll use, that is why it displays it in the footer.
if you register, you tell me what it is and I register that name. but it should be really be the user you use to connect on MCV servers & store because that way it is unique

I cannot register with a secondary user name. Am I the only one who have the wrong user name on the dashboard?

If you registered already it will be free. Just email me your first and second user name

Hi amg0

Have the same problem as vitmar. Now I registered with my username, which is the one used on the server.

Will this be fixed automatically or do you need this type of notification?

[quote=“Stiansen, post:5, topic:192141”]Hi amg0

Have the same problem as vitmar. Now I registered with my username, which is the one used on the server.

Will this be fixed automatically or do you need this type of notification?[/quote]

Just email me your first and second user name. check what appears in ALTUI footer to know what name it needs to be