All lamps turning on when i put 1 lamp on

Hi all,
I have a question, i have set some scenes in my Vera Edge for turning all lamps off and for all lamps on.
When i want to set 1 lamp on, all the lamps are turning on. So when iam in devices and i put ‘‘lamp next tv’’ on all my other lamps are turning on.

How can i fix this problemen? I just want to have sometimes 1 lamp on and not all of them.

Thanks in advance!

Ronny (newbie with Vera ;D )

What kind of scenes have you created and what is the trigger for these scenes?


i have it like this (see link)

So sometimes i just want to put all lamps on, thats why i have maked scenes. But sometimes i just want to put 1 lamp on. When iam in devices and select 1 lamp all lamps going on!

Help please what iam doing wrong lol :wink:


It looks like you are using any one of three lamps as triggers for your scene which is turning all of your lamps on. It’s doing what it has been asked to do!

Remove the triggers - set the scene to manual.

[quote=“rwubbels, post:3, topic:190804”]Hi,

i have it like this (see link)


So sometimes i just want to put all lamps on, thats why i have maked scenes. But sometimes i just want to put 1 lamp on. When iam in devices and select 1 lamp all lamps going on!

Help please what iam doing wrong lol :wink:

Of course Vera does not know when 1 or all lamps should be turned on if you do not make a distinction. You might want to set the turn all lamps on to manual indeed, but then the trigger will be you calling the scene from the dashboard. Another option is to use double / triple click functions or a separate button to execute the all lamps on scene. For example, the Fibaro Dimmer supports triple click to call a scene. One click will only turn on that lamp, triple will call your scene.
Veel plezier!

Thanks guys! Stupid me xD! Like i said iam a newby :wink: It works now how it should!
I set it to manual (trigger) it works now great!
Thanks all!!!