All devices gone after a power cycle

After struggling many, many hours to add a Fibaro Keyfob which finally succeeded I now have another problem.

I did a power cycle my Vera Plus UI7 and (probably) after that now ALL my devices (Powerplugs, Sensors, Remotes) are gone.
The only devices I have are my Hue lights via the Hue plugin and plugins. Snenes are all there but don’t work.

Anybody can give advice what to do now?

I am not familiar with all reset options in Zwave settings > Advanced. I could load a backup from yesterday, but then the hard to add Fibaro is probably gone.

Maybe there is another option? I don’t touch anything because the last thing I want is beginning from start.


Backup will restore everything. Yes, the new decide will unfortunately be lost.

Thanks for your quick answer.

Isn’t there another option to restore the devices? How could the Vera loose them anyway?

Not such a great Vera experience today :frowning:

I restored from a backup and now the LUA code in almost all scenes is corrupted.
What a hell.

Does anybody know if a Raspberry Pi with Aeon Labs stick and Domoticz is a more reliable solution?