Alarm in memory

After an alarm event I am unable to clear the system by entering the user code + off sequence twice. This has been going on since I installed the plug in a few years back, I have just put up with the minor inconvenience of power cycling the panel which clears the condition.

I have searched the forums and not found a solution, there was a similar comment a few years back on the AD2USB thread. EVL3 and Vista 20, UI7, everything on latest versions. The 2 keypads and EVL3 are addressed correctly.

Any ideas?

It looks like i have the same setup EVL3 and Vista 20, UI7 with same issue. However when this happens I can clear alarm from Vera Keypad (EVL3 Vista Partition) by entering pin code and then clicking disarm. Therefore I do not need to power cycling the panel anymore.

Had same thing happen last week… only way I could clear the alarm panel was with my Veralite phone app. Keypad was non-functional…