Aeotec Multisensor 6 - Touble setting parameter 41 (threshold change in temp.)


I want to set the threshold change in temperature to a lower value (default is 2.0?C). Device is USB powered. Setting the parameter 40 (enable/disable the selective reporting) to 1 is working fine. But If I want to change the parameter 41 it always says “Failed at: Setting user configuration”. So I’ve tried to read the value of parameter 41: 1310976 (hex?). Converted from hex to dec this results in 140100. According to the manual this should be 1401 ?!?

I have tried setting …

  • 1310976 (4 byte dec) → no error message, seems to work fine
  • 131328 (4 byte dec (-> 020100 for 0.2?C?)) → Failed at: Setting user configuration
  • 20 (4 byte dec) → Failed at: Setting user configuration
  • 5121 (4 byte dec (-> 1401 hex)) → Failed at: Setting user configuration

What else can I try?

I have another Multisensor (battery powered) with the following values:

Parameter 40: 0
Parameter 41: 5121 (-> 1401 hex)

I turned to the Aeotec support and after we tried a few things I found out the following:

The unit with value 1401 hex has the firmware version 1.08 installed and with firmware 1.11 (they also gave me 1.12 which behaves the same way) the value is 140100 hex. Between versions the format of values has changed.

After some experiments I found the right format which was accepted by the Multisensor:

Parameter 41 set “data size” to “4 byte hex” and write “00140100” for 2?C threshold (default)
Parameter 41 set “data size” to “4 byte hex” and write “000A0100” for 1?C threshold (default)

Unfortunately 0x0A (1?C threshold) is the minimum setting.