Aeotec Keyfob

Hi All

Does anyone know if the Aeotec / Aeon Labs Keyfob is meant to work in the same way their Minimote does? (i.e each button triggers a scene in Vera)

I am running a Vera 2 with latest firmware, I have 2 minimotes.

I have included and excluded my keyfob I don’t know how many times and while I can get it to include OK (it shows up as “_SceneController”) I am not able to do anything more with it :frowning:

I was of the understanding it worked the same way their minimote does and you just configure each button to activate a scene within vera. One scene for short press and another scene for a long press.

I am hoping it does work this way as I don’t want to have to create a new scene just to do the same thing but with the keyfob. I.e I have a scene to open / close the garage door, this is assigned to buttons on the minimote, I want to also be able to add this to a button on the keyfob. Id rather not have to create a separate scene and use a button on the keyfob as a trigger - Vera would end up with so much duplication.

Hoping someone can help shed some light :slight_smile:


[quote=“Fitzy”]Does anyone know if the Aeotec / Aeon Labs Keyfob is meant to work in the same way their Minimote does? (i.e each button triggers a scene in Vera)

Hoping someone can help shed some light :-)[/quote]

Previous discussion:

Search the forum and you will find plenty more.


Thanks for the reply. I had searched the forum but as there was nothing specific to the question I was seeking discussion on I raised a new topic!

I have read the post in the link you provided which leads me to conclude that the keyfob works differently to the minimote - which if that is the case it’s a little disappointing. I don’t want to have to create multiple scenes to do the same thing just so they can be accessed from both the minimote and keyfob.

Given they are both Aeotec products I was hoping they would have them operate the same or very similar.

Looks like I will be sending the keyfob back. :slight_smile:


It works the way you want.

I want to also be able to add this to a button on the keyfob. Id rather not have to create a separate scene and use a button on the keyfob as a trigger - Vera would end up with so much duplication.

You don’t add the scene to a button; you add the button-push as a trigger for a scene. You can have as many independent triggers to a scene as you want. Hence many different remotes can trigger the same scene.

[quote=“autotoronto, post:4, topic:176013”]It works the way you want.

I want to also be able to add this to a button on the keyfob. Id rather not have to create a separate scene and use a button on the keyfob as a trigger - Vera would end up with so much duplication.

You don’t add the scene to a button; you add the button-push as a trigger for a scene. You can have as many independent triggers to a scene as you want. Hence many different remotes can trigger the same scene.[/quote]

Excellent, thanks for the info.

Sounds like it might just be my misunderstanding which has caused the confusion :-p

This wasn’t helped by the fact it was sold me to as the same device / function as the Minimote.

This is good news but I have to wonder why they change the way the devices are configured? Configuration wise it works so much better and easier just setting the buttons to an existing scene like with the minimote.

Thanks for clarifying though :slight_smile: