Adventures in UI 7

I currently have two Vera 3 units running UI 5 (1.5.672) communicating with each other over HTTP.

But obviously somewhere down the road UI 7 is in all our futures so I have my original Vera Lite that unit I use for testing and familiarization with UI 7. Right now its on the latest, greatest UI 7 release as of 29 Nov 2015. Some observations:

  • UI 7 is still terrible for layout, screen usage and configuring.
  • a completely idle Vera Lite, NO plug ins, no ZWave, nothing shows Memory utilization at 72% and CPU at 1%. I’d expect that CPU but I was shocked by the memory usage.
  • I installed the Blue Iris Plug in thinking that I could remove it from my Vera 3 setup and since its basically autonomous it didn’t have to be a part of the Vera 3 <=> Vera 3 configuration. My CPU usage sits around 2% as I would expect but my Memory usage is now 144%.

Today is Monday and I still don’t like UI 7.


I hope this is only speculation… I’m counting on leapfrogging to UI9 or UIX.


I hope this is only speculation… I’m counting on leapfrogging to UI9 or UIX.[/quote]

By the time we have UI9 everyone will be saying how good and stable UI7 was and how there are so many bugs in UI9 :o


I hope this is only speculation… I’m counting on leapfrogging to UI9 or UIX.[/quote]

Silly boy, you are destined for disappointment :slight_smile:


I hope this is only speculation… I’m counting on leapfrogging to UI9 or UIX.[/quote]

By the time we have UI9 everyone will be saying how good and stable UI7 was and how there are so many bugs in UI9 :o[/quote]

Given how much time has been spent on the still flaky UI 7 I’d venture there is not enough time left in the universe to reach UI 9 :slight_smile:

Did we already give up on UI8 ('ala UI6)?

I hope that’s true… of course, by then we’ll just use voice-activated drones to fly around our homes and flip light switches on & off. UI-what?

Heh heh… if you keep your expectations low, there’s no room for disappointment!

UI6 ?? Never heard of it! :wink:

UI6 ?? Never heard of it! ;)[/quote]

It resides in the same corner of the universe as Windows 9.

You guys are so silly… you all know that if UI7 ever becomes usable/stable we’ll all have moved onto a different platform… SmartThings v3 or OpenHAB v3 or Fibaro Home Center 3 or something else

UI5 is a v1.0 product - mostly works and almost stable, serious issues with core design
UI7 is a v0.5 product - does not work properly and not stable, likely same serious issues with core design as in UI5 but probably worse since they added more junk. Like salt in a wound

[quote=“Aaron, post:10, topic:189952”]You guys are so silly… you all know that if UI7 ever becomes usable/stable we’ll all have moved onto a different platform… SmartThings v3 or OpenHAB v3 or Fibaro Home Center 3 or something else

UI5 is a v1.0 product - mostly works and almost stable, serious issues with core design
UI7 is a v0.5 product - does not work properly and not stable, likely same serious issues with core design as in UI5 but probably worse since they added more junk. Like salt in a wound[/quote]

And despite all that, my UI7 Vera Edge has worked flawlessly since I had it and has accepted every update without grumble.

I have been with vera quite a while. I haven’t been in the forum for more than half a year, now I wanted to see what progress UI7 made during the last few month.

Thank you for the writeup, very funny (or sad)! I am staying with UI5 8)