Advanced tab under scenes in UI5 Vera Lite

I have seached and seached to find some documentation or posts regarding the advanced tab in scenes on my Vera Lite. I simply don’t understand most of it. Could somebody point me in the right direction ?

it shows you a summary of all actions that will take place once the scene is triggered (including delays, order of actions, etc.); you can also add actions quickly in this page, without going thru the devices tabs…

Okay thanks, maybe it’s because I am not a native English speaking person but I simply don’t understand what Gettarget, Settarget and so on mean and can’t find any explanation of this anywhere.

What I am really after here is this: when creating a scene you can add a trigger and if you at the same time add a schedule these 2 (trigger and schedule) acts as a OR element. Either one (trigger or schedule) will “trigger” the scene (as I understand). But what if I want these to act as an AND element where both the trigger and the schedule have to be “true” to trigger the scene ?

From what I have read in this forum it can be done with luup code, but how do you set this up without getting in to luup code ?

This is not possible without Luup code. (Actually there is a way, but it’s more complicated than using Luup code)

From what I have read in this forum it can be done with luup code, but how do you set this up without getting in to luup code ?
You want be able to set up luup code without getting into luup code ;D

Have a look at the following link to see some basic examples of luup code:

When you add a trigger you can also add luup code to that trigger. Lets say the trigger is your schedule, right after it’s triggered the luup code will run. If this code returns true the the scene will really be triggered, if it returns false, the scene will not run.

A code example would look like this (after the schedule triggers the scene this would then check if the temperature is below 26.6, the scene will only run if this is true):

local lul_temp = luup.variable_get("urn:upnp-org:serviceId:TemperatureSensor1","CurrentTemperature", 3) if (tonumber(lul_temp) < 26.6) then return true else return false end

Hope this helps…

It helped :slight_smile: slowly starting to understand this new game :slight_smile: